
We are approaching the fourth anniversary for our sons death from brain cancer at 29. I have come to relise that this has an effect for a considerable time before hand, with the day itself being like the eye of the storm almost eerily calm.
To newly bereaved parents I would encourage you to be kind to yourselves and each other. To have honest conversations about how you are feeling , however negative,dont push past the emotions as you will hit a wall.
I went by the keep on keeping on rule, working in social work, there was always something to do. I worked throughout the pandemic, distracting myself, until it was too much and i needed to have counselling.
Life is not the same,learning to live without your child is the hardest thing I have ever done.
Best wishes

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Hi @Gayle,

I am so sorry for the death of your son. Thank you so much for sharing this with the community - Iā€™m sure your words will bring comfort to others who have also lost a child.

Take good care,

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Loosing a child is heartbreaking, no parent should have to go through it, but fate can be so harsh.
My own baby died some years ago while I was still pregnant with him, there are no words to describe the heartache. On the anniversary of his passing I go to a special place & write :writing_hand: to him, & talk to him sometimes, I find it therapeutic.
Sending hugs of support.

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