Anniversary of 5 Years

Hi, I was just 17 when my dad passed away quite suddenly and tomorrow it has been 5 years since that day. 5 years since I last touched my Dads hand and was able to tell him I love him. I have found grief very difficult on some days and easier on others but when the anniversary comes around, it always fills me with dread. I am so lucky to still have my Mum here who has been amazing even though she has been suffering herself far worse than me. I just want to feel like even though it does get easier, I can still have days where I feel awful and sad and upset and all types of angry.


Dear @Grace_K01

I do hope the 5th anniversary of your dad’s passing went as well as it could for you and your mum. Anniversaries are so tough as it takes you right back to that sad day. Grief is a horrible rollercoaster journey of good days, bad days and up and down emotions. In time it will get easier but it does not mean you forget. Your dad will always be in your heart where ever you go.

Take care.

Peppers x