
Been feeling, bit low last few days, then it hit me why , 20 years ago today, first date with Shell, Happy Anniversary, Shell. Missing you more today. Take care all.


Hi Pete, I know exactly how you feel because it has happened to me over the past week and couldn’t understand why I felt so low and emotional and then I looked at the date. All sorted but I hadn’t a clue what date because I had a few days that didn’t matter due to not doing normal things, thanks pandemic.
So I have used a red pen to mark of the days, sad person! Take care. S xx

Any Anniversaries are difficult after a loved one has passed. My darling Trev took his last breath on the 32nd anniversary of our first kiss.

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Just had hubby’s b/day on 30th July and our anniversary on the 31 st July. The 1st ones without him, them 2 days broke me all over again, miss him so much my heart hurts, He pass 6th April, I am still crying every day.

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