
Struggling on the 2nd anniversary more than the first especially as I am looking after my mother with dementia don’t seem to have the space to grieve


I’m so sorry for your loss, @Gandor.1. You are not alone - we’ve heard from a lot of members that the second year can be even tougher than the first. Hopefully someone will be along to share their thoughts.

You might find our support page on coping with death anniversaries helpful to read, too.

It sounds like it is hard for you to find space for yourself. If you’re interested in counselling, we offer free online counselling which is held via video chat, so you’d be able to do it from home. You can find out more here if you would like to take a look.

Take good care,

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Hi @Gandor.1
I am in a similar position like yourself.
Looking after mother with demendia who has forgotten my husband who passed away 6 months ago
I amrrying to get by day by day and goodness knows thats hard. I still am coming to terms with everything although not sure i am coping well some days.
I am kept busy during the day but nights and weekends cause me upset and sadness.
Dont think i can get used to my own company eating alone no company no one to ask what do you think of this ? Loneliness.
My mum saying she wants to die end it all has had enough only adds more sadness to the situation.
Sending love and hugs
Take care Lynne x