
My husband died suddenly while we were away on holiday in Jamaica, I miss him so much and I can’t believe he’s not here, it’s only been 4 weeks and I feel so lonely

Dear Anny

I am so sorry for you. I hope you will find some comfort from this forum. I found it when I Iost my lovely husband suddenly and unexpectedly 12 weeks ago. I too cannot believe it still and miss him so much - some days are much worse than others and the early days you do not know how you are going to get through the next hour never mind the day. I get through the days now by making lists and keeping busy - gardening, painting, shopping - whatever I can distract my mind from thinking. I have just gone back to work for a couple of days a week. The first day was hard - but I had to wait until I was ready to face it. The journey is the worst bit - I think I cry all the way home.
I cannot yet think of the future without him and plan no more than a few days ahead. I try to stay optimistic as that is my nature . You will find some lovely people on here that will listen when you want to rant or ramble, and who really do understand as they too are all struck by loneliness and sadness that follows the loss of their partner.
If it helps to talk on the phone, please private message me your number. I have met up with one lovely lady who lives locally to me and we try to support each other. And I have made a really good friend who messages and talks to me every day and has given me encouragement and the belief that my husband has only left me physically but is still with me.
Please reach out to the forum whenever you need to - I think you will find it helps.
Take care and we will help however we can.
Trisha xx