Another angel gains her wings

So again another parent leaves mine and my familys life, my mother in law died on Tuesday and just when I was coming to terms with losing my dad last may and my father in law last jan I just gone back downhill in emotions, I took two days off work to support my hubby and kids, but I seem to be the one who needs support again, my boss been texting to see if I can do some shifts today but I just don’t want to face anyone outside my door, no one sees my pain because I hide it behind a smile but I really not coping with people close to me dying and just feel lost and alone in my grief. Everyone thinks I should be over my dad now but I feel cheated that I wasn’t with him when he passed away due to the covid last year, my hubby was with his dad last year and his mum on Tuesday and this hurts that my dad was alone when he died. I just can’t cope with my grief anymore it cripples me and makes me feel like I am alone.

Hello, Lisa67

In my opinion, grief is the worst emotion ever, I put on a brave face for the sake of our children and 2 grandsons who are 57 and 54, both of them live 80 miles away in opposite directions. I am very sorry that you have had so many losses, your boss is being insensitive in asking you to work. Who are these people who say that you should be over losing your Dad? I wonder if they have suffered from grief, if so, they should be more understanding, If they haven’t ( I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, this hopeless feeling when we are longing to see our loved ones) how do they know that they will cope ? It makes me so cross when people pontificate to others as to how you should be feeling. I lost 3 people within 3 years and it knocked me for 6, one was my beloved younger brother, one was my best friend of 72 years and worst of all, my husband of 59 years. I still experience those awful feelings of despair, you will cope Lisa. we humans are more resilient than we give ourselves credit for. The belief which keeps me going is my faith that we shall all meet again. Take care and stay safe. x x x x