Another baby step

I hope you don’t mind me sharing my small positive steps on my grief journey as I am really pleased with myself this morning!
My husband and I loved music,( though not always the same music) and went to lots of festivals before I was disabled. I had always wanted to see Coldplay , one of their song “sky full of stars” was the first thing I heard after I was told I didn’t have sarcoma but had osteomyelitis , in fact I have played it quite a lot since he died as I can remember that positive feeling and that we both cried happy tears! However hubby didn’t like Coldplay and refused to go and see them so I m ever bothered.
Anyway, this morning I managed to book tickets to see Coldplay at Wembley. Ok, I’m not going solo, my youngest daughter is coming with me, but that is such a big thing for me to both book a ticket and go to a big concert!
I know in the big scheme of things it is tiny, but today, lying in bed with covid too, I know Kev would be proud of me for doing it without him, but would also be saying “What the….”
So I have smiled today. That makes it a good day.
Hope you will all have positive moments too xx


Well done you should be very pleased with yourself, you have something to look forward to, Kev would be very proud of you as well.

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I hope you have a great time,finding a little joy during this time is a welcome relief.

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Good on you. It sounds like a major leap forward.
I hope you have a rapid recovery from Covid and a wonderful evening at Wembley.
Anything that brings a smile is a good thing.

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Thanks everyone! It’s the little things isn’t it! All my friends and family tell me Kev would’ve been very proud of how well I’m coping without him and today I can almost feel him hugging me and saying “ well done Hoopy” ( his nickname for me, something to do with hitchhikers guide to the galaxy!) xx

That’s such an achievement, you should definitely be proud of yourself. You’ll love them, they are absolutely amazing live xx

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That’s brilliant; very well done. You should be really proud of yourself.

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:clap: that is a win, and a positive to look forward too x

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