another day, dealing with things on your own.

Today I paid a little bit of rent and just come off the phone with the council regards the council tax. I’m on various 0 hour contract jobs, so it’s not easy. Then it dawned on me, if I had a problem or I felt down in today’s world, then I could always talk to mum and she be there for me. She be my agony aunt, my rock. It lifted me physically and mentally. Mum understood me, There was this special bond, special connection that existed. You felt protected with mum. I contacted 1 of my cousins in oz by email last night. The reply well not great the email could orinated from Mars, it felt like it. It’s upsetting to deal with life after losing mum on so many levels. Doesn’t matter who you talk too, that connection you had with mum isn’t there, which is upsetting in itself. The feeling never truly goes away, the feeling of loneliness too. Its with you every day that goes by.


Hi. Sorry for your loss. My husband passed away in August last year and I miss him so much it still is so raw. The amount of times a day i would love to be able to off-load, get a hug or a kiss from him is ridiculous. I talk to him and ask his advice, helps but it doesn’t.


I know. There’s nowhere to turn and no one who has your back. I’ve lost both my parents now and with that connection gone I feel more alone than I ever have or thought I would. Hugs. :people_hugging::heart:


Im so sorry for your loss, and i share that same feeling of being lost without Mum to turn to. She’d know just by the sound of my voice if something wasnt right, she’d worry if she knew i was stressed at work, she’d ring and check on me if i was feeling unwell, and we would just chat about everything on a daily basis. There is no one that can ever take her place and i could be having the worst time ever now and would anyone even notice? Hugs to you and anyone else feeling like this :hugs:


Hi everyone,
My mom was my safety net, feeling so lost & alone, struggling to cope with everything. My dad gets verbally abusive, I’m special needs, so mom used to help & support me, now I have to struggle with everything on my own, but I’ve had enough, I don’t want to do it anymore :sob:, I’m not coping. Sending hugs of support.


I think it helps a little knowing we not alone in this journey. We should support each other through this journey of sadness and pain. We possibly can make a difference !

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Even removing my mum on a payee from back account hurts.


Hi @Ally6 I feel as though I could have wrote this :sob: My mum was the only one who would check on me always and it’s scary that she’s gone. No one loves me like she did. I felt so safe with her knowing she was always there if I needed her, and we did so much together. It’s so lonely without her now. Sending love x


So difficult isnt it @Woo4 - that care and nurturing suddenly no longer there. Hugs to you :hugs:


Hi all,
I miss that too, mom would always have checked in with me, made sure I was ok, I miss that. Sending hugs.


It’s exactly that I felt like you read my mind, there’s no I would rather talk to but my mum. I feel completely alone since I lost both parents and mum I’ve lost quite recently like just over 3 months ago. You can talk to your co workers or even close family. The bond that you share with a parent you’re close to. I feel like that bond is unbreakable like on your worse days as well your good their always there for you. It’s hard to replicate that bond with someone else and we mourn for that connection.

I feel when i had a problem I would be able to talk to her or even bad day at work. I still be able to have that conversation but I feel like lost that. I hate feeling being completely all alone in this world like I feel fish out of water.

Hugs to you and everyone here who may feel like this :hugs:


I lost my Mum on the 22nd Feb 24. Diagnosed with cancer on the 6th Feb. I heart is broken and I feel so alone. Reading all your messages is exactly how I feel. We were so very close, spoke every day. I mourn so much that I will never have that same connection n feeling again, unconditional love.


Hi @Pipp1 so sorry for your loss :pensive: it is a scary thing as our mums loved us unconditionally. I feel like I’ve been on a spiral since I lost her, never felt more alone in my life. I’ve just tried to spend time with my partner and friends as much as possible so I don’t feel so alone. It’s also good to talk on here to others who are in the same position. I don’t think anything will really make it better that we’ve lost that deep and safe connection. But we are lucky that we had such wonderful mums who loved us so much :sob: My mum was also diagnosed with cancer late and I didn’t expect her to pass when she did. I think the shock of it all probably makes it harder for us to process and deal with it. Take care x


I’m so sorry. I think I know how you feel. If anything went wrong I would phone my Mum and “bitch” to her about it especially things about my ex and my kids. She always was there to hear, NOT. Just listen, there is a difference!! She couldn’t put it right of course, but her advice was invaluable In lived 500 miles away from her for 53 years but it did not diminish our bond. I moved to be near and care for her for the last 17 months of her life. The first thing I did after driving back after her funeral was to call her to let her know I had arrived safely!! She is part Of me and O am part of her. Death cannot take that away. Boy was she a fighter and that fight is within me and you I suspect from your post . We just have to “keep on keeping on”’in their memory.
Look after yourself as you looked after her. Sending you love and wishing you some comfort in this awesome storm you are currently going through xx


I lost my Mum on 23rd Feb 24. I miss her so much. Having a bad day today. Sending hugs x


I’m so sorry for the loss of your Mum. I know that sounds trite but I too lost my Mum on 15 October 2023. It’s the most psychological pain I have ever experienced They were our rock, loved us unconditionally , never judged us, guided us and ALWAYS looked out for us that’s a hard loss to comprehend
Look after yourself and surround yourself with self love knowing that is what your Mum would want for you.
Take care. Thinking of you xx