Another hard day

Is it me or is each day just feel like another day u have to wait to get back to your patrner noone understands how u feel
U have friends but they avoid asking how u r as dunno wt to say n u just feel tired n ofer it like gen6wbat is even the point


Hi its been 12 weeks since i lost my partner and just had a massive meltdown tonight .So scared of a future alone without him so your not alone its heart breaking isnt it xxx


Hi, 6 weeks on Tuesday since I lost my wife, I’m definitely better than I was, but still have panic attacks and awful waves of depression when i think that i will never see her again. I have to carry on for our two greyhounds, who she adored, but they are grieving too, so down and depressed. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to cope with, harder than losing my mum or dad, who i loved dearly, but parents are expected to pass, not a partner at just 46.


Hi mariner 12 weeks of this relentless pain for me last nite took its toll .Just didnt want to be here anymore ,still dont the lonliness is the worst thing to endure .Very much on my own just the cat for company and just not coping xxx


Hi Hope, its so very hard i know, nothing in life prepares you for this, we’re all in new, uncharted territory. I can fully understand now how people " Die from a broken heart", because that is exactly how it feels,its physical and it really hurts.
We should have returned from a Mediterranean cruise yesterday, we we’re so, so excited and looking forward to making lots of memories. I still cant take in the events that have taken its place, it helps me to talk, but it doesn’t change anything.
If it helps you too, feel free to message, any time, I’ll always reply xx

Thanks mariner that means a lot .So sorry you have lost your wife so young too .My partner was 68 fought hard for 15 month having chemo ect but lost him april 12th. My family live in ireland .Ive one good friend .This forum has been my life line .I just feel theres nothing to live for tbh nobody needs me now hes gone i thought i was doing a bit better but feel like ive gone way bk to the start .How are you at the moment xx

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Hi, I’m doing ,OK ta, I’ve been to football this afternoon, I’m a massive Grimsby Town fan , and today they we’re playing cleethorpes Town in a pre season friendly.
Met with a few friends, had a few beer’s, i try and carry on as normal as much as i can, imok until i get home, then reality kicks in.
This forum is such a support for me i agree, ir helps to know people care.
Now just the quiet night to come, which i dread. Xx

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It is each day feels like a life time x
So sorry for your loss

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