another loss

Hey, i lost my beautiful nan 8 months ago after 6 months of her passing i decided to book a holiday just me, both my daughters are grown up and kept saying go on mum treat yourself. so i booked a week in Fuerteventura in march. when i arrived at my apartment my neighbour knocked and we began talking and we went for a long walk to the beach. on our way back she was saying she had met 2 lads out there and they was really nice lads from yorkshire, they came along past a bar we was having a drink in. Anyway its was very clear that i liked one of the lads and turned out he liked me we had an instant connection. i spent the whole of my holiday with these 2 lads had a laugh went out to the bars. was good. the lad i liked walked me back to my apartment anyway we kissed goodnight and that was it he went back to his own apartment. next day riund the pool with the lads taking photos of them in the pool it was a great day. we got ready every night about 7 to go to the bars. again this evening the lad i liked walked me back again bless him. so he ended up staying the night we just cuddled and chatted all night its was so nice. i was telling him about my nan passing, he said he couldnt wait to be an uncle in july and he said he liked me i was pretty and things got intimate.we came back from hols and chatted on the phone and texted most days for a week or so, it fizzled out quick when we got home and the texting got less and less. So next thing i get a call from the other lad who was on holiday too saying the lad i had met had taken his own life on the 21st may 23. i was absolutely shocked i didnt believe it at first till his mum put a status on fb about it. ive cried everyday and keep asking myself do i have the right to grieve. my councillor said yes. i feel strange ive never lost anyone ive been intimate with before. this is all new to me im still grieving for my nan and im finding it all too much im overwhelmed and so so sad. this lad was only 22 he had his whole life ahead of him im truly so gutted and upset.

chelle x

Hi Chelle-Iuan

I’m so sorry to hear about your nan and your Yorkshire lad. You do have the right to grieve, you made a connection with him, and you had something even if it didn’t carry on when you were home, he still has a place in your life and memories. You might find that grieving him also brings up the grief you have for your nan. Please be gentle with yourself.

I’m sure others will be along soon to offer support, please keep reaching out, the community is here for you.

Take care, Rhi (Online Community Team)

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Thank you Rhi for your message.

Yes its bringing up grief of my nan, i feel totally overwhelmed at the moment

chelle x

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