Anti depressants

Do antidepressants help your mood in this situation. 5 months today and I feel I’m getting lower and lower everyday

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Hi , also feel I’m going backwards emotions are so unpredictable it’s very difficult, maybe meditation is worth a try , my doctor prescribed me low dose that slows down thought process and find this has helped me sleep we need to look after ourselves take care x

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I had a problem with anti-depressants and found, as I did many years ago, that counselling was a much better way to go for me. People are different and what works for one person may not work for another.xx

At about the 4 month mark in January i was really struggling, and just didnt see the point in anything. My GP talked about anti depressants but neither of us were keen. I started doing alot of walking which really helped. I know for me, heading into winter i can definitely feel me sliding again.

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Not looking forward to winter can’t get out as much and days are very long x

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I think it’s normal to feel worse as time goes on. Grief is exhausting, We run on auto for the first few months but it wears our reserves down. And it is natural to expect and want our pain to subside even a little as time passes. Haven’t we suffered enough? So it can feel worse even if its just the same. I think we are unprepared for the time it takes , is taking and it is easy to think we are doomed to everlasting misery. I think the Victorians had a more realistic outlook, with grieving officially lasting a year. Strange, in our society, when there is so much awareness of mental health that there is so little understanding of grief. Because it is “normal”.
I am not against anti depessants, keep wondering if I should see GP. I think counselling is a better idea but there is nothing wrong with medication if you feel you cannot cope. Ideally both should be offered.


I have thought about going back on anti depressants, I was taking Sertraline for quite a while but it started causing me a few issues so I decided to cut down and I eventually stopped.

This was before my partner lost his grandad and then I lost my Mum I couldn’t have come off them at a worse time!

Goodness the withdrawal was grueling as well I felt so poorly!

I did try a week on prozac a few weeks after my Mum passed but it actually made me feel worse, I’m aware you’ve to give them time to kick in but I found that it just wasn’t worth it.

I do feel my grief gets worse over time I just feel more sad as time goes on it’s awful and I don’t see the point in anything anymore. I’m exhausted and feel done with everything. I’m really hoping I’m not like that for the rest of my life but sometimes it feels like I may well be.

We’ve got to take any help we can I guess, I’m sorry I don’t have much to say to help take the pain away but no one does unfortunately x


I’ve got an assessment on Monday with a bereavement counsellor see if they can help and the areas I need help. Hopefully this helps x