Anxiety and complications of grief

Hi all, I’ve just joined this group after losing my Mum in November of 2022. I’ve not really seen anyone post about a similar situation and I would really appreciate some advice.

It’s been nearly two years now and although I see so much progress in myself I still feel so lost. I was 19 when she died and I’m turning 22 soon, I feel as though I’m wasting my life away but I can’t seem to get out of this dark place in my mind. My mum and I had a very difficult relationship, she had a similar relationship with her Mother, although she would never admit we were alike in this way. My relationship with her led me to become very anxious from a young age, I have been in and out of counselling, on and off medication and still feel quite hopeless. I am a positive person and used to enjoy spending time around my friends and with my family.

On the anniversary of her death last year I became extremely depressed, I spent the first year mostly in denial so I think that’s why when it hit it felt so sudden. I dropped out of university and became overwhelmingly attached to my boyfriend who I met shortly after my Mum’s death. It got to the point where I couldn’t stay at my own uni house as I couldn’t bare to be around anyone else but him. I’ve slowly reconnected with friends and am building those relationships back up, it just feels so overwhelming.

My parents divorced when I was 6, my Dad never remarried. My Mum on the other hand did. My Dad, my two younger siblings and I really love my step dad and he became an even bigger part of our family when Mum passed. Since her death he has acted very erratically, seeing other women since only a month after she died and being far too open about it with my brother and sister (14). My younger siblings used to live between my Mum and Dad’s houses and continued to go between staying with my Dad and step Dad until it got to the point where they had to move back in with my dad full time as my Step Dad became so depressed the kids were sent to school in dirty clothes and weren’t being looked after properly. Of course I don’t blame him for this at all, everyone grieves in their own way, however I feel it’s quite contradictory of him to be seeing so many different woman in such a short space of time after Mum’s death. My Dad is amazing and has always provided for us in any way he can. Seeing him stress over our financial situation since Mum breaks my heart. Having little to no help from my step Dad has become very difficult, we don’t expect anything from him but of course it’s very hard on my Dad now being a single parent. My dad is very emotionally unavailable and has little time for himself, I feel unbelievably guilty as I haven’t been able to keep a job for the last two years as I’ve been so unbearably depressed and anxious. I wish I could provide for myself to take the stress off of him but I can’t seem to get it together. It’s been so difficult to find a job, especially in a professional career path as I don’t have my degree.

I’m able to be apart from my boyfriend now for maybe up to 2 weeks at a time. But as soon as I leave him and come back home I have this overwhelming dread and cry/ sleep continuously for up to 3 days, then I’ll be able to console myself. I can’t keep going on this way, I’m going to go back on antidepressants soon and go back to therapy, although I also feel guilt for not being able to do it all myself.

My parents have always been very emotionally immature and so I took on a lot of the emotional work for my younger siblings, trying to shield them from the reality of my Mum’s behaviour and Dad’s distance. My Mum’s previous boyfriend was abusive to her physically and emotionally. He never physically hurt me or my siblings but would degrade us verbally a lot. My Mum blamed me a lot for the failure of their relationship which was the peak of her violent outbursts towards me specifically. I know I do need more therapy, yet it’s hard to keep going when I feel there is so much to unpack in my family history. I have had other experiences with assault from previous partners and feel as though my Mum’s loss has sent me over the edge with all my past trauma.

I just feel so lost in my extensive, complicated grief. I just want to feel happier and move on. I try to get out for a walk everyday and do things alone to build up my independence but have this looming feeling of complete hysteria. Can anyone help me at all? Any advice would be so greatly appreciated, I know there is a lot to unpack here.

Hi @Fred53,

I’m Kate, a member of the Sue Ryder Online Community team, and I can see that you are new to the community - thank you for bravely starting this thread and sharing how you’re feeling.

I’m so sorry to hear about your mum. Most community members have sadly experienced the death of a loved one and so will understand some of what you are going through.

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I wanted to share a few Sue Ryder resources with you that might be helpful.

  • Our Grief Guide is a self-help platform which has information, resources and advice to help you understand and navigate your grief. In particular, we have an article on complicated grief which also features a video and may be a good place to start.

  • Our Grief Coach text message service, which sends you personalised text support via SMS

  • Sue Ryder offers an online bereavement counselling service. This is a free service and sessions are held via video chat so you can attend from home. There’s more information about this service here:

Shout is also contactable by text, 24/7. You can text REMEDY to 85258 and talk to them about anything.

I really hope you find the community helpful and a good source of support, and I also hope you feel you can access more support should you need it.

Thank you again for sharing – please keep reaching out and know that you are not alone :blue_heart:

Take care,

Sue Ryder Online Community team

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Hi @Fred53
I am so sorry to hear how much trauma you have been through. I cant say im surprised that you are suffering with anxiety and depression. I lost my mum suddenly and unexpectedly 5 months ago, and ive been struggling with anxiety since it happened. I have been having counselling which has helped. The counsellor feels for me my grief is currently anxiety. I worry that im not processing her death, and at times i cant even think about it because it is just too painful. The main message i see from this group is a loss of a parent changes you forever, i can see that in myself.
Try not to be hard on yourself, you are so young to be dealing with the death of a parent, and on top of that you have all the complications with your step dad and trying to protect your siblings. You need time for yourself, amd having counselling will give you that. You need to be able to explore your feelings amd grief without worrying about everyone else.
Be gentle with yourself, treat yourself with the same kindness and compassion that you are giving to your younger siblings. And if you need meds for now then take them, do whatever you can to help yourself, sometimes you have to be selfish

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I’m so sorry for your loss of your Mum but also for the loss of yourself as you knew her. Because that’s what your post says to me. I hear you. You have been through so much already in your young life and it takes its toll. I think you are also suffering from Generational Trauma passed down from your Mum and it’s difficult to break.
You’ve also “inherited:been assigned “the role of “care giver” since an early age and that too is hard to deal with. You are doing an amazing job and you deserve recognition of that fact, but as you know, it’s all very messy and you are trying so hard to “keep it all together “. I have experienced trauma similar to yours coming from a VERY dysfunctional family. I have found therapy very useful at times but have also found it very hard going as it took me to places when I thought I could cope but in reality it just took me over the edge. It sounds like that feeling is familiar to you. My Psychiatrist actually advised me to take a break from Therapy at times when I wasn’t actually strong enough for it. It was good advice as I actually wasn’t strong enough but I, like you sound, are the one in the family that gets things done and tries to make things work. The reality I is I couldn’t “make things work “!as I was broken. It was a relief to me when I accepted that. I could just be me, an absolute mess… for the time being…not forever. I am a survivor and it sounds like you are too. It would be good if you could achieve some distance from your family in the same way as you have managed very bravely to do from your boyfriend. That might give you a bit of space. Ultimately you are not responsible for them no matter how much it appears right now to you that you are. I’m not surprised that you spend days in bed. Grief is exhausting as is trying to “be there” for everyone You need to “be there “ for yourself. Self care is needed now. It’s also very natural to need to just be unavailable at times and what better to be than sleeping!!!
You take care of yourself
Luv and hugs

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