Anxiety, coping , bereavement


I wondered if anyone feels the same as myself. I have this sick feeling in the back of my throat all the time and feel fatigue to go out and motivate myself. I lost someone very dear to me and struggling to find the words or actions.

Dear @Hayley588 I am so sorry to hear that you have lost someone so very dear to you. I do understand the feelings of shock and disbelief and the sick feeling. Please try to take each day and moment as it comes and breathe through the feelings allowing yourself to watch them and let them pass. Thank you for posting and sharing here and I hope very much that you will find some comfort n the community where we can share our feelings and experiences and provide comfort for each other. On behalf of Sue Ryder I want to welcome you please let me know if there is anything I can help you with. Ailie

Thank you, yes the feeling of hurt and anger with not being able to see her at the end due to the virus. I have also been struggling for the last 6 weeks due to lockdown having a sore throat and having a sick feeling in my throat. Does anyone experience feeling like can’t cope with things out of their control