Anxiety for the future

I find I am getting more and more anxious about everything. I have to go to the solicitor today because my husband died in an accident at work. I take my daughter with me because I can’t trust myself to hear and remember everything they will say. I started worrying about it yesterday and now it is getting to that pitch where I feel I can’t cope. I worry a lot that I will get into depression. Someone on here said don’t think of the future just live in today and it is such good advice but I live totally in the future…all the visits to the solicitor, inquest, court case etc etc. I can stop myself thinking of certain things, my husband after the accident on the ground his fear etc and all of that, I can put it out of my mind because it would be too painful and futile as that day has passed. But I don’t seem to be able to stop thinking in the future. I suppose my problem is I am in a situation I don’t want to be in, which I know we all feel of course… But this will literally go on for years. Has anyone else found they live in the future?


@No-words, So sorry to hear what you are having to go through with solicitors, etc., on top of losing your lovely husband so tragically.
I can understand your anxiety about the future with such a lot of legal things going on, glad your daughter is helping. I hope she is taking notes with you, it will make you feel better with everything written down, to ease any future queries.
Try and focus on each day and remember good times with your husband.
I live alone now with close family living abroad, so worry about my future but try and live each day as it comes.
Sending hugs.

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Yes I am always thinking of the future. My husband died suddenly at Christmas. He was 53 years old. We have been robbed of our future plans and dreams. I keep thinking that in 10 years time that my husband wouldn’t of reach retirement age. He going to miss out on so much and so am I. We wanted to go to Canada and travel. We both worked hard and just finished paying of the mortgage. Life is so unfair and cruel. I am scared of the future and being alone. We should of had another 25/30 years together. People say don’t look into the future and take one day at a time as the future is not here yet. I do try but every so often I do wonder and wish things can be different. Just don’t know what is around the corner. Take care xx


I know you will have lots to do but it is really best to take an hour at a time. Take care xxx

How terrible. As though it’s not painful enough to lose your soulmate but unthinkable to lose them in such circumstances. One foot in front of the other and one day at a time

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Thank you so much. Have just arrived back for 1 and a half hour session with the solicitor and your messages are the first thing I looked for. Thank you for taking the time to reply. Taking one hour at a time actually seems to make sense to me, that length of time I can manage, one foot in front of the other, small tasks is better than trying to cope with a whole day or week, and that is also not so far in the future.