I lost my mum in June last and since then I feel so so anxious and lost. I have a wonderful husband and two adult children who have been amazing at supporting me .
Mum brought us up since our dad died when i was a small child, she was the glue that held they family together, since she has died i worry about the simplest of things. I feel so anxious and wonder if anyone can give me any advice how to navigate this .
I’m sorry to hear you are feeling anxious and lost. I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I just wanted to let you know that you have been heard and you are not alone.
Hi, sorry you are going through this. I too lost my mum last year, I haven’t seen my dad in over 3 decades…
I have been struggling with sleep and anxiety too, I got medication from my gp and this helps me. I find spending time family helps massively at the time too. Worst is when alone and night time.