
Anyone suffering with anxiety wake up in the morning with trembling inside heart racing dry mouth since loosing my husband my life feels so empty I enjoy my work look after my grandson one day a week but get dreadful panic when looking after him


Hello Spainelche

I’m so sorry to hear about your husband. It’s normal to feel anxious after someone we love has died, but if it’s interfering with your life, it might be worth speaking with your GP for further advice. You can also use the NHS IAPT scheme to search for psychological therapies in your local area: Find an NHS talking therapies services - NHS

:blue_heart: I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I just wanted to let you know that you have been heard and you are not alone.

Take good care,

Hi, yes I’ve had those symptoms since losing my husband 3 months ago although not every day now (but most days). I think it’s fairly common to feel like this. It’s such a hard journey that none of us want to be on but there’s great support on this site and hope from those further down the road.
Sending best wishes


I have a lot of panic attacks too. Had one while I was asleep last night. So frightening when you are on your own. Nobody to cuddle to take away the horrible feelings.

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Nice to know i am not alone.
Sleeping is not good not slept well since ge passed away 12 weeks ago i was given sleeping tablets to start with and have a couple left. I took one on Monday as that would have been our 36 wedding anniversary and i was so upset i needed to sleep. Unfortunately it did not work and i was up all night on and off so think anxiety panic attack of some sort. I also leave tv on but even when sitting early evenings think i just need to hear voices so the silence is not too hard to take
I dont know the answer to sleeping or evsn eating does not appeal anymore have lost 1st in weight. I think everone else feels the same. I only hope i havec the strength to get through this part of the loss and i start sleeping and eating again but without him i dont want to.
Take care x


My sleep is gradually improving. Not allowed sleeping pills. I asked the doctor but it was a flat no. Don’t know whether sleep is improving just through exhaustion. Tele on all day as I need some noise in the house. At least i will have company tomorrow morning as my friend is coming after my carer has gone. I also have a supermarket delivery. Gradually what is in my shopping is improving in choice. Still sweets and biscuits but also yoghurt, chicken, fruit and calorie counted meals. I still need the odd treat to survive the day. Trying to get used to the air fryer. Do get anxious most days.

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Hope you both get a good sleep tonight.
It seems like most of us have the same problems with sleep and eating
I have not bought food for ovet 2 weeks so living on snacks and toast Planning on ordering a supermarket delivery next week.
So maybe order some ready meals as making meals for one doesn’t appeal
3 Months and nothing much improves still same groundhog day. Must try harder to improve my diet or will make myself ill. X


I am only just moving away from all my meals being ready meals. I was making myself ill so now including fruit and salad and not all ready meals for one. Aunt Bessie toad in the hole for 1 is quite nice.

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The short answer is yes. My wife passed away ten weeks ago due to AML,she started with high risk MDS but then the chemotherapy stopped working and seven weeks later I lost her. For me the panic effect has become worse,the intense pain in my chest and simply unable to speak because of the pain in my throat.
My life feels as yours does, just empty, lonely and no future ahead. I cannot make sense of anything and just spend my time begging my wife to come back even though I know she can’t.
I could fill the page with a description of this hell on earth without the woman I love and need to make me the whole person I was.
You have my deepest sympathy and I share your pain,take care.


Thats good ready meals are fine till you feel like cooking. Up till now 3 months and i dont feel like cooking and meal for 1 and eating on my own is so bad.
I feel the loneliness of being on my own now. I guess the reality of being on my own is hitting home. Listening to classical music before bedtime as Kevin loved this type of music so relaxing only wish i could relax and enjoy but without him seems pointless. Maybe in time i will understand the peacefulness it brought to him.
Eating and sleeping are things of the past i only hope the future gets more bearable.
Take care x

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I always hated eating alone. If he was out it would be toast or wait. Now I have no option and I hate it. The other week when my brother and sister in law were here it was heaven to have someone to sit and eat with. But also so sad that there were only 3 of us instead of 4. From the news about my sister in law it could soon be only 2. The chemo has stopped working.

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My husband also passed from aml he was fit and well age 51 started with some bone pain and within three weeks he died before he could even start any treatment as they could not control infection which turned to sepsis it’s been a year now but like you trying to cope is horrendous

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