
Hi :wave:
Just making sure this is not just happening to me. My mum past last November, I was her carer towards the final years. We were very close together most days.
Im just finding my anxiety is unbearable at times. Anything that happens in work that is stressful my mind is in overdrive and cant stop thinking. Things are my fault, fight or flight!
I swim to control the cortisol and release the grief. Its so difficult at times.
Can anyone relate?



:100: I can relate.

Lost my Dad a year ago, I was also a live in Carer for 6 months and my anxiety in the months after he passed was terrible.
Fortunately my bereavement councillor and GP were brilliant,
I still get periods of really bad anxiety and am still on medication but I am learning techniques and watching programmes on Anxiety etc.

This programme is very powerful

Have you spoken with your GP?

Also look up a CBT Technique called Worry Time to try and control your anxiety better.

The technique I was taught was to also look at each Worry during your allocated time and decide if it was real eg Worrying about an overdue medical appointment and that the letter may have gone missing. Write yourself an Action to telephone and Check.
Or is it a Hypothetical worry that you can’t control.
Please give it at least two weeks to see if this helps.

Take care and happy to speak some more :blue_heart:

Yes, I can. Less than a year for me and I have anxiety every single day. Not always superhigh, but never at zero. I walk for hours to get away from it as most techniques people usually suggest doesn’t work so well for me.

Not being able to handle anything stressful I attribute to being so mentally exhausted. It’s Iike grief is already so heavy that it just takes a tiny thing to tip the scales. And it’s still like that for me as well.



I can completely relate to this. I was a capable and upbeat busy person who spent years taking care of my Mum and family. The last few years we moved to live with her and last year she became very unwell and was hospitalised. I then bought her home to die surround by her family, animals and love.
Coming up to the years anniversary and I just about pulled myself together enough to carry on through the grief but the slightest thing a bill, a car problem or a comment or a family event and I am sleepless and anxious. I have found when I get over whelmed that some homeopathy a friend recommended really helps take the overwhelmed and incapacitated feeling off. It doesn’t take it away but eases the feeling.
It does seem so endless and I feel like I am very broken and useless since Mum left me X



Totally get the zero trigger!


Thank you all for your replies. I find swimming helps to level me but sometimes it all gets too much. I can only cope with so much then my anxiety goes into overdrive.
I have been on counselling through the church, well a grief awareness course. Which helped but im going to ask for bereavement counselling through the doctor.
I hope you are all ok?Thinking of you lets hope the triggers lessen xxx

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Ask your GP Surgery if they have a Social Practitioner and if so could you speak to them and/or your Doctor.
The Social Practitioner can often link with Health and Wellbeing Coaches and provide details of local recovery colleges, coffee mornings etc.

Take care

Heartbroken thank you I will. You have been very helpful xx :kissing_heart: I hope you are ok?

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Good days, OK days and bad days!

As my bereavement councillor would have said the pendulum is still swinging!

Take care

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Sorry for the loss of your Mum. I can relate to that. I lost my Mum 40 weeks ago and my Cortisol levels have gone through the roof so much so that the meds I have been given are having no effect. I spoke just yesterday to a Community Psychologist and he explained this can happen. He changed my meds and advised CBT. This also happened when I lost my Dad and when I divorced. CPN says it’s how my body handles stress but I also have ADHD so being “wired to the Moon and back “ is pretty much my normal. I haven’t slept for the last three nights but would normally sleep for 3 or 4 hours per night. When my Dad died it lasted like this for nearly 4 years, but the ADHD hadn’t been diagnosed so was getting no meds for it then. I find walking fast works for me and average 27,000 steps a day usually but have injured my back so not able to do so much. We were talking about ADHD yesterday and weirdly some of the treatment is giving amphetamines which have the effect of calming the hyperactivity of the ADHD. Weird never had so much peace and clarity when taking prescribed Speed!!
I practice yoga, mindfulness and try to meditate but that’s a challenge when you have 10 Squirrels on Acid in your brain ALL the time😂Never tried CBT before but am willing to give it a go.
Hope you find a solution.
Luv and hugs xx

Thank you so much for your reply xx
I sometimes wonder if I have ADHD but dont think so. I havnt had an easy life so think its my body hard wired for fight or flight.
I do meditation and swimming. Off for 5 weeks as work in a school so going to take the time to try to relax. I went back to work too soon after mum passed. And straight into a new job. With more responsibility.
My anxiety has progressed to a tight feeling in my chest. So will phone doctor for bereavement counselling tomorrow
Keep thinking about this time last year and all that happend before my mum passed away. It was hurrendous. I need time for me.
Sending lots of love :heart:

Sorry to hear of your loss and that you are still struggling. Have you tried the Sue Ryder counselling. I found it really helpful. Such a professional, kind and very professional. I would definitely recommend it.
Take care

I have just started online counselling through this site. I wasn’t sure how helpful it would be because of the way I was feeling but I am feeling less heavy and low since I started. Being able to completely off load my true feelings weekly and really focus on what and how I am feeling and crying soo intensely has help release some of the powerful feeling. You never think you need these things or that they can help but they don’t hurt at the end of the day. Keep going every one day by day X



Good to hear Bereavement Counselling is helping :blue_heart:
:100: releasing your feelings & emotions does help on one’s grief journey,

I certainly wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for my councillor!

I took notes after the sessions and tried to add things I learned and we had talked about to build my MH Toolkit

Don’t be surprised if you feel very tired after a session!

Take care

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