Any advice?

Recently I’ve experienced 2 bereavements. One was the mum of a childhood friend. The other was the CEO of a small charity with which I volunteer.

I knew the mum when I was younger and haven’t seen her in 10 years. She was very impressive to me being a successful accountant and everything. And always really nice and welcoming when I was round her house. The CEO - I read his tarot once. He wasn’t a typical CEO he was a really laid back guy, very nice and friendly, really supportive of the charity frequently donating his own money and he wasn’t paid a lot either. I remember a couple years ago he told me he had terminal cancer but he survived longer than I expected.

I wasn’t close to these people but still devastated and I don’t know what to do? I’ve lost a best friend and 2 grandparents to death and that made more sense for me to be sad and whatever. Am I invalidating my own grief…what are these feelings I’m so confused on how to process this


Hi @morstuavitamea ,

I’m sure someone will be along to share their thoughts, but I just wanted to say thank you for so bravely sharing this with us. Keep reaching out. :blue_heart:


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Hi @morstuavitamea
I hear what you’re saying, all grief is valid, I don’t think your invalidating your grief, if anything, I think anyone who has been through the loss of someone close, can feel it more when someone passes after those initial losses, though if you want answers to why your having these feelings, only you can answer that, maybe think about what these people meant to you, you said one was the mum of a childhood friend, someone you admired, could it be that connection to your childhood that you’re grieving? is there similarities to people who have passed before? It could be anything. Sending hugs of support.

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This really helps thank you :slight_smile:

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