Anyone had a ct scan

sorry for posting a silly question but i have got to hsave a ct scan done on my neck and i am terrified, of the side effects, after effects etc. i cant lay on my back for more than about ten mins at a time cause of neck problems and i refuse to have any contrast done. i have read so many horror stories about them, plus i suffer from panic attacks anyway


I’ve had a few including brain scans. I’d advise you to keep your eyes closed and don’t be tempted to open them during the procedure. You will be able to speak with the radiographer if you need to, and they will talk you through it all before it starts. It doesn’t hurt.


Hi @SueF1
I understand your concern, hospital tests & scans can be stressful, especially if they bring up memories of loved ones. I had a CT scan for my colon, no contrast, it wasn’t painful, & the nurses were very nice, & talked me through everything. The CT scanner looks like a big polo mint, you lie on the table, & they move it into the scanner. Sometimes they ask you to lie on your side, or back or front, depending what they need. I found it helpful to Google CT scan & watch utube videos so I knew what was going to happen. It’s not painful, & doesn’t take long, you’ll be in & out before you know it. Hope it all goes well. Sending hugs of support.

i have researched it on internet and youtube ages ago, that only made things worse

Hi Sue, i have had ct scans done 3 times and i was offered head phones and a choice of music to listen to. I chose a classical one and shut my eyes and just thought about lieing on a beach and seeing the waves in the sea and the sun shining. They gave me a small hand held remote control device and i could press it at any time to come out which was good. I didn’t need it though. I din’t have any after effects. It only took about 10 mins. I think the thought of it is the worst part… Thinking of you. Love Jenny.


Please don’t worry about the ct scan, as an inpatient I had one two days ago. It was also of my neck and probably took less than 10 minutes and you won’t feel a thing.
Good luck and do tell us how you get on.


Dear SueF1,
Please do not worry about your ct scan… You will go in the tube and be reassured by the technician… I know this sounds silly but I have found that if I recite Christmas carols in my head the time will pass and our brain concentrates on something else. Why carols ? because I could remember the words and not falter… Good luck. All the best…


If i have to have procedures I am scared of i try and take my mind away from it by just thinking over and over that it is going to help me get better and there is someone somewhere who is in a worse state than me going through the same thing. It can help to do something like count backwards or think of distract your brain in other ways. Ie howmany animals you can think of or plants or countries etc. They are very good in scan dept, let them know you are scared and they will talk you through it all .

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they refused to do it as i wont have the contrast which you dont have to have to have a ct scan.

Hi @SueF1
Looking back over the messages, I can see this started months ago, this must be very frustrating & stressful for you, sending hugs of support.
It’s true that you don’t have to have contrast to have a CT scan, but sometimes it depends what exactly they’re checking for, they use contrast to show up specific tissues & blood vessels to help them with diagnosis, :thinking: maybe, if whatever they’re looking for won’t show up without the contrast, they think there’s no point doing a scan that won’t show if there is anything there.

CT Scan the hardest bit is getting on the table as it’s so low. Had a few CT Scan now, lost track think 6. Not much to them, easier then MRI scan.

i wont have anything injected into me, or anything shoved up, down or in me as i have a phobia about them and have had for 30 yrs, same as medication, the only ones i will take are amoxxilin, parcetamol or beechams powders as they are things i have used for yrs, anything else, no way. and all i get told by the dr is “get over it”

Well as I was diagnosed with Myeloma Cancer back in June, I have no choice. I’m at the mercy of the hospital, but they been brilliant. I presume I would die otherwise.

Hi @SueF1
I literally had a ct scan last week on my chest amd lungs. I too suffer with anxiety but to be honest it was absolutely fine. I had the contrast and suffered no ill effects, sometimes you have to trust the medics and believe that you will be safe. You may have a phobia of meds etc but i work in healthcare and prescribe medications daily to so many people without any side effects. Dont let your anxiety stop you from getting the tests and treatment you need