Anyone local to the North West or surrounding areas?

One of the things so many of us say over and over is how lonely we are after the death of a spouse, child or indeed any loved one. Following the death of my husband to Covid I’m struggling with the isolation and loneliness.

I’ve posted there are rejection issues in my family and others don’t know how to cope with a grieving mum so they stay away. Many of my friends don’t live locally or they are vulnerable and cannot visit/be visited. Telephone calls are ok but the loneliness is still there when you put the phone down.

I was wondering if anyone local to the north west would be interested in meeting up so we can share experiences face to face. I think it would help us to just get out of the house for a bit knowing we can be honest about how we feel, no need to say those meaningless and often untrue words “I’m fine”.

I’m not fine, I’m grieving and struggling to learn how to be just Lynn and not a wife, a doggie mum or a de facto mum to the grandson who lived with us. I lost them all in 29 days my husband and beloved Sharpei Tyler to death and my grandson to University. Life is so empty now and I’m lost, I know from reading so many posts that I’m not alone in feeling like this. So if anyone would be interested in meeting up, initially in the north west region or surrounding areas please post or PM me and let me know.

Dear @Lynn53

I am sorry to hear that you are struggling.

Have you considered booking an appointment with your GP to tell them how you are feeling and to see if they can offer any local bereavement support groups in your area? Have you considered Counselling?

Here on the Sue Ryder website is information and support on coping with grief and bereavement which you may find helpful.

You can also connect with members who have experienced what you are going through under the topic Losing a Partner and Loneliness on this forum.

Please continue to reach out and take care.


Thank you for your reply Pepsi. I have seen the GP recently and I’m doing ok and don’t need (or want) any medication and there’s not really any local bereavement groups which is why I’m using online groups.

It’s hard adapting after losing my whole little world in 29 days and others seem to express very similar feelings to my own about the loneliness and isolation especially after losing a partner. Which is why I thought it might be helpful to meet up in person.

Tbh I have joined several bereavement groups, this is by far the best one. I’m just ready to see and speak to people in person. I think I’ve got and given the best support I can online but I’m ready to talk with my voice instead of my fingers xx

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You are very welcome. Please continue to reach out as we are always here to support you. If you need further information please contact

Take care of yourself.

Pepsi x

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I agree with you we are not fine. I only lost my husband on Friday but I already fee so lonely and I have not seen anyone since I left him at the hospital. I live in Chester if you want to meet.

Hi Lynn
Im so sorry for the loss of your husband. I have recently lost my sister and I feel completely empty. Friends mean well but they have their own lives and I feel that Im dragging them down. I live in the North West and would welcome meeting face to face, I think grief can make you feel very isolated.
Jan x

I live near Nantwich in Cheshire xx