Anyone lost an adult child

Hi.i lost my 33 yr old daughter 6 months ago to mis diagnosed stage 4 bowel cancer, she gained her weeks within a month of us finding out,to we are devasted ,Emma left behind a 5yr old in complete bits. I carnt accept shes gone forever,she was a beautiful soul both physically and spirituality…


Im so sorry to read your post. You must be utterly heartbroken. This forum is a great way of getting support. Not everyone understands the pain of losing a loved one, until you go through it yourself. Its incredibly painful, and a heartbreaking journey. Im so sorry for the loss of your daughter. Sending hugs. Xxx


Hi Trisha,

I sadly lost my daughter in January. The heartache and loss so unbearable I have to catch my breath at times. It was sudden and if I’m honest I’m still trying to process this. I totally understand where you are at believe me!!


So sorry for your loss ,my heart goes out to you and your grandson.i lost my 19yr old son just over a year ago and I’m only starting to deal with son had been in for a chest infection which turned to pneumonia and within a week he had passed away.i think people try to be nice but I withdrew from life .I hope you have plenty of time with your grandson,I find the unconditional love from a child helps slightly to distract you.


I lost my son 9 months ago at 31 years old.
I know exactly what you’re feeling and the pain we carry around with us every single minute of every single day,it’s unbearable.
Unless you’ve lost a child yourself you can’t begin to understand how it feels.
Keep talking and sharing.


I lost my 24yr old daughter 16months ago, I’m still struggling with the fact that I will hear her voice or hear her laughter again. She died from Sepsis and it was very sudden, because of her age and how sudden it was, we had to have an inquest last Nov. My bereavement counsellor has told me this is something I will never get over, but if I can help support other parents who have lost a child I will. It’s so difficult and every day is different, one day you may be okay and the next you’re crying or screaming or shouting.


Hi Trisha3 I’m 65 and I lost a beautiful Daughter Sarah on 24th Dec. She was only 34yo and It was totally unexpected. So young, so much to live for, so unfair and so wrong.
My advice is stay close to your loved ones and keep in contact with people who have been through this because they are the only ones that truly understand this awful pain we go through every day.