I’m still struggling with the loss of my husband 4 and half years ago from cancer , anyone mistakes also struggling that would like to go for coffee
Sorry to hear still finding it hard to cope. I’m mid Scotland just a bit to far, i lost my wife four months ago with pancreatic cancer that had spread to her liver. Only got about two months, well half that before hospital time took over. Keep yourself interested in this site as you’ll get positive help. Take care
Thank you , mouth cancer my husband had but spread everWhere , as it was Covid we had no support only over phone , so I cared for my husband and he died in the house with me and our children
Hey emma im so sorry about the loss your husband and your still struggling I’m only just starting this journey here without my linda she passed 8/10/24 and only 53 but raw it certainly is she went in to get treatment for jaundice and they found liver and kidney issue but were sorting treatment and it seemed to be working even said she be poss coming home in 2/3 weeks then came the news covid she got it in hospital and passed in 3 days she fought like a trooper but it too much for her passed while i held her she was a barry girl born there we been together 14 years i met her in north west uk where I’m from and we ended up in her fave place plymouth im now looking after her elderly mum now here at home and she not in good health herself its dam hard journey I’m really broken i hope you find peace sometime in the future i really do sorry im not closer to have that coffee big hug
Aww I’m so sorry , you’ve had it so hard and still looking after her mum, life will never be the same again , hope you got some support in your area , there’s not much round here as live in middle of wales now
Aww emma i bet your quite remote out there it must be difficult for you at times its beautiful in wales linda still has friends in barry but she said she would never return there due to bullying at school and a bad relationship there yes you would think so but I’ve been chasing adult soc care since nov and only had a visit back three Monday ago and as of today I’m still asking for help nothing from them plymouth council is not a good one I’m afraid and Linda’s daughter lives manchester so not practical her to be coming here a lot which is hard for her and her nan she has asked me to sell up here and move nearer i get why but the practical side is a logistical nightmare as its just me on my own now and heart issue on too is not helping we moved here as this was lindas paradise place as she was born as i said in barry before following her mum north landing eventually in my home town hence us only meeting and getting together in 2009 and moving in together in 2010 but her heart was always here since losing her dad here at 11 years old she loved him and missed him his ashes were scattered here we put flowers down evertime we came hols and when we finally moved here whe did it all we could but i don’t really want to go back north after all the effort we put in together to get here and i feel id be letting linda down so much i get why she wants that but i would have thought if it meant that much to be close to her nan and help me more she would at least consider it but maybe its just me being inconsiderate i hope you find some peace in your heart 4 1/2 years is a long time to miss your hubby you must have loved him dearly i know how that feels i was in a loveless marriage before i met linda but as soon as we met back up after losing contact for a few years i knew i wanted to spend the rest of my life with her we just clicked but now it just makes losing her so much harder just cant get my head round it life can be cruel as you unfortunately know and I’m now learning that too the hard way hope you look after you its important hugs
Yes it’s hard if that’s where you heart is, I get what you mean I was in a loveless marriage last year , i just thought it would help but he was abusive it’s just made things worse , I hope they help you soon they good here in Powys but also take a long time to do things
Awww emma im so sorry you being in a loveless abusive relationship thank you for sharing that it must have been difficult for you its not a good place to be i know it affected my linda so much i supported her to try get past it but it really affected her hated what she went through nobody deserves to go through that at all if fate had brought us together sooner she may never had to go through what she had and may still had been here now with me thats a hard thought for me now im glad there good there in powys yeah plymouth council has a bad press and reputation i just hope things start to move for her mums sake and my sanity and health its taking its toll and life is def not the same without my soulmate by my side linda always said we a team and god were we but now its a dam mess life really screwed us over didn’t it Devon is a truly beautiful place and so much to do down here but only if you have someone to share it with
I feel same ppl say this is a gorgeous place but with no one to leave the house with I stay at home, I have health and mobility issues myself and an autistic child so tend to stay at home