Approaching winter

Evening all

I’m thinking of you all and your losses.

My mum died in January. I still can’t quite believe it. She’s gone, just the thought terrifies me and reduces me to tears. It’s hard, I have good days and bad. At the moment I’m just so sad. Not can’t get out of bed sad, not bawl my eyes out every second of the day, but just this sinking, lonely sadness that seems to be my life right now.

I’m struggling to find things to look forward to. Me and mum used to have adventures… Sri Lanka, Mauritius, the Maldives, Las Vegas… endless craft days and a few drinks now and then, and more. She was young, 67, and only lost her mum 7 years before.

How are people finding things to look forward to in this challenging time?
What brings you comfort as the winter evenings draw in?

How will you recognise and remember your lost parent(s) over the Christmas break?

Its my dads 70th early next month, he died last May from pancreatic cancer. I’m going to do a £70 food bank shop (I’m fortunate enough to be in a position to do so) I think he would approve.

Thanks for reading x

Hello Scarlet. so sad to read of the loss of your Mum. So young and so cruel, I know what you’re going through and I wish I could take your pain away. My Mum died when I was 32 and I thought my world had ended, I honestly thought I’d never get over it. I just want to tell you that you will, you will live your life and make her proud., the pain will
gradually lessen to a level that you can bear. You will one day be able to look
back at all those lovely times you shared and feel happy when you remember them. It will get better, I promise. Look after yourself x

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Hey @Scarlet,

So sorry for your losses.

Its my dads 70th early next month, he died last May from pancreatic cancer. I’m going to do a £70 food bank shop (I’m fortunate enough to be in a position to do so) I think he would approve.

That is just so cool. Your dad would be so proud. Well done.

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