Are there any groups that meet in South Wales?

I think I’d really benefit from meeting other people who have experienced the death of their partner. I live in South Wales. Are there any existing groups?

Hello @SBP ,

Thank you for reaching out. I’m so sorry for the loss of your husband

You may wish to visit the AtALoss website. It is a directory of bereavement support and will show you what is available in your area. If you click this link then select your region, you may be able to find something near you.

I hope this is helpful - take good care,


That’s perfect. Thanks, Alex.


A few months ago there was a south Wales group on here. I see if I can find it for you xx

@SBP the group is called
Grief group south wales
You can find it by the search button
Hopefully it will help xx

I live in South Wales too. I lost my partner of 17 years completely out of the blue in March. I was looking into grief support groups but there doesn’t seem to be anything around the local area.

Like Hazel pointed out there was a group set up on here but I’m not sure if anything ever come of it?