
Just want to scream shout why and smash things up. Fury one minute then deep sadness the next


Totally normal! I never knew how many emotions I would get through in one day! It’s draining some days euphoric another :smirk:


So far never euphoric. Often depends on how I have slept but certainly get through a range of emotions so must assume it us normal

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Yes it’s normal and ok to feel all those pent up emotions. I feel as if I want to scream and let it all go
In the early months I smashed a load of old plates etc and that help realise the tensions I was feeling. I feel those tensions building up again nearly 2 years on. We all need a hug and that special person to tell us it will be ok .


If you want to scream do it i beat my sofa cushions last week it helped get the anger out i stand upstairs in our bedroom shouting why all the time its just not fair :sleepy::sleepy:


I had a lovey few hours with family yesterday and saw my granddaughter perform in a ballet. Today, I have gone right back into a black hole, feeling I am at the bottom of the ocean and cannot move. The emotion of yesterday has really set me back. I have screamed and banged about but now crying, This journey of grief is a nightmare and it’s eight long months for me,


I was same at your stage … the anger does get better ypu know … its just a reaction to what has happened to you :frowning: xxx


We all seem to hobthrough this, not all ofvus with anfer, but very deep sadness and lonliness despite having family, lost husband almost three months ago after 44 years of marriage, life will never be the same but I try to keep going with thought it will be different, and gave found lotsvof unexpected support. At a loss is a good website and course even for non religious