Ashes arriving... Cant get my head around it

Hi Gary 123,sad story,my wife died 2 weeks ago from bladder cancer though I am glad she is no longer in pain I want her back with me so much,life is nothing,waking up is nothing even if you even get to sleep.How can you visit places you went together ever again without those memories flooding back.

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Hi the way I see it is we only have the memories left so by not visiting those places we loose those precious memories… I’m scattering my husbands ashes where we went on dates… Yes at the moment those places and memories hurt but I’m hoping over time those places and memories will be something I look back on with love and joy… Knowing we had fantastic times there xx

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Oh Mazzy that’s so sad to hear must be terrible for you everyday. I losty my husband on 10/6/21 and would have been married 40years. He was so fit and healthy and died within hours of getting pancreatitis. I cry everyday and have to keep it all on not to upset my two girls who do not know how I’m not coping. It was awful to hear that you couldn’t even get the peace to see him on your last visit to see him. That is just too awful what happened to you some people have no respect. Hope you are doing okay x


I’m waiting for the ashes to be sent to me. Like you I had a place where I was going to scatter.
A place where we used to sit.
Now I dont think I can face scattering them at all.
I am going to buy a comfort pebble or something else made of glass.
I’m just going to take my time.

It’s funny the day she died I just felt so relaxed. Just over a month later I’m finding it more difficult


I am so sorry that some of you had to deal with your husband dying so suddenly, and other husbands or wives, like mine, being ill and wasting away then dying in pain.
Whichever way they have gone it is hard, hard, hard, for those of us left behind. My husband and I always said whoever was left first would keep the ashes of the other one then, when the second one is gone, our children can bury us together. So, I have my beloved David’s ashes placed on the bureau with a collage of photos of his life on the wall above, and always a vase of flowers beside him. At special times I light a lamp as well, which says " Because someone we love is in heaven, we have a little bit of heaven in our home".

I say goodnight to him and hello in the morning.

This may be a bit ritualistic for some people but it has brought me comfort. I also have a strong faith and believe his soul was accepted by God as he died. His love is around me the whole time.


Thank you sweety means so much as the police were called by a friend on Facebook cause i wrote im going to sleep so just took my nightly medication which they all know i take and have posted this before and my sister came to mine screaming in my face saying i need to forget my past but how do u forget when you are abused at only 14yrs old by our own brother who was 19yrs and kept it all to myself till 2004 when i get a call from my mum saying if you had been older she would of put it down to experimenting.
They are ashamed and my husband was my rock and hold me in his arms and i only felt safe in his arms and i dont go out i wake up screaming with sweats re living it cause it was in my bed and when you have been abused u struggle with trust especially men and now my baby has gone im so alone feel dirty every waking moment and have no friends

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I have my husbands ashes in a box where u unscrew four screws when its upside down and ive placed alans ashes plus a picture of me him and my 32yr old son and then when you turn it the right way there is a picture frame in and put our wedding picture from 21-07-2001.
I also saw on facebook this company that can turn your pictures onto a roof tile with a poem all lasered on and when i saw the poem it was the same i found by accident to have on his funeral brochure and they are next to each other then 2 weeks before he suddenly died he brought me this stone buddah statue that i have pointing out in my front room window then bought tiny tea lights false candles and that stays on all night so he can find his way home i wish we could put pics up to show you but always here or facebook if you want to chat no matter what the topic x

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