
I lost my husband last year, 30/11/2022 from a stroke. He was only 59. I seriously didn’t think i would pull through this year. It was very hard. We only just brought his Ashes home yesterday after a whole year from the funeral parlour as my son and myself both struggled as didn’t know what to do. We have now decided to keep him at home. It has brought us both comfort and peace. Is this normal?


My husband passed away 6 mths ago, at just 54. His ashes are on a chair next to my bed, that way he’s always close to me :heartpulse:


I havent got any ashes as my husband wanted to be buried. My dad’s ashes got buried in my baby’s grave years ago as my husband hated them in the house we shared so I had no say in the matter. So whatever happens it is still hard

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Deepakmilan i lost my gorgeous beautiful wife sue on the 1st February this year. I have my wife’s ashes on her bedside cabinet and one of her nightys on her pillow next to me. Its given me a lot of comfort so you can take solace that you and your son are getting comfort from him being home


I was in a mess after funeral and couldn’t deal with the loneliness but once i had his ashes back i felt he was home and i was more settled.


My Wife’s Funeral was Wednesday just gone & we are scheduled to collect her ashes sometime this coming week.
She left instructions in letters she left for myself, my Son & Daughter that we have an item of jewellery made for each of us from her ashes. The remainder i will keep at home with me as she specified that she didn’t want them scattered. I am happy that she requested this as it gives each of us the opportunity to carry her with us everyday until we can be with her again xx :heart:


I lost my wife last year, and I have her Ashes at home, it’s normal to me
Our daughters are happy she is at home with me, because she told us she didn’t want to be on her own, we were very close I took care of her when she took very ill


Thank you. This really helps. We’ll probably also have something made later.


Thank you. This helps us a lot


@DeepakMilan Yes, it is TOTALLY normal. My mum died 5 years ago and I have her ashes in a teardrop urn (looks like an ornament - not an urn) in my home. My husband’s ashes are currently sat beside her but I am having a memory teddy made from his clothes (so that I can cuddle him when I’m in bed) and some of his ashes will also be in there. I am also looking at either a palm stone containing his ashes or a small urn for some of his ashes, as his son (my stepson) wants to take the majority of his ashes on his travels around the world to scatter wherever he visits. If it is what makes you feel better then it is the right thing to do. My stepdaughter isn’t interested in the ashes (I think she finds them creepy) so we are all different. :heart:


It’s almost five years since I lost my husband. I too have an urn that looks like an ornament. It’s hands holding a heart. It makes me feel like he is here with me. I had a heart ring and necklace made that I wear all of the time. Wherever I go he is with me. It is a personal decision and not an easy one to make but somehow we make these decisions and know what is right x


My partner’s ashes are on a pillow on his side of the bed, along with his funeral card with photo, and a couple of anniversary cards we gave each other. I dont think I could bear to part with him at the moment (seven plus months since he passed). It does (like you and your son) bring me comfort having him here in our home where he belongs xx


My wife died about 11 months ago. I still have her ashes with some photos and some shells she collected from our beach a few weeks before she died. She told me what she wanted me to do with her ashes, which I will do, with her family when the time is right.

I don’t really think I have an attachment to them, it’s just I’ll have to face saying goodbye to her again, which I’m not quite ready to do.

My father held on to my mother’s ashes, and when he died about 6 years later we dispersed both their ashes together, which was nice.

Statistically I’ve got another 30 years ahead of me, and I don’t think my wife would want me to keep her ashes all that time.

I guess it’s really what feels right, and what you think your husband would have wanted.


Also have a tube on a chain with a lock of sues hair intertwined with a lock of mine as well
And two of sues rings on it as well


It’s very personal choice . He mentioned to spread some ashes at donnington but I did them all as I didn’t want to to divide him .


I lost my husband a few days before Christmas last year, we had his ashes interred at our local cemetery where I will go when my time comes, it’s in a perfect spot as he was a sun worshipper and his spot has sun on it all day everytime it shines. I had some of his ashes made into a charm that I can either wear round my neck or put on my bracelet that is full of charms he gave me over the years.