At peace

I lost my husband last year july. He was only 36 years old. He had terminal cancer and they said he had a year.
The one thing that keeps going through my mind is not knowing if he got to make peace with his final journey. One of our last conversation was two days before he passed. He had a panic attack and looked me straight in the eyes and held me tight and said "Soph, im dying! ". That moment and those words will be buried inside my head forever. It breaks my heart everytime. His last day with us, all he did was look at me and fight for his last breath.
How do i know if he was truly is at peace.
It is so hard to answer my boys questions about their dad when I dont truly know myself.
I saw things like after he past. For three days we kept having white butterflies outside our home and a week after he was buried a white feather was resting on his grave. My family tell me they are all signs of him excepting his journey, but how do I know thats true and not just for my comfort.


@SPowell . We will never know the truth, if you look for truthful evidence you’ll wear yourself out. Take these signs for comfort, especially for your boys.


Thank you @Lotswife and @Lonely for your messages :heart:

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Hi @SPowell no one knows for sure but a friend of mine says whatever brings you comfort. So if the things that have happened do bring you some sort of comfort well hold on to them.X


Hi SPowell
I lost my husband in similar circumstances to yourself and I know he was fighting right to the very end.
I had no thoughts about messages or the afterlife but so many signs have happened that I have absolutely no doubts now.
I now accept any sign I get. When I see a white feather I thank him for being near and walking with us (me and the dogs.)
A topic was started a few years ago called Psychic Phenonemon and a lot of members participated and described their experiences. It might help you to find it and have a read. Just put it in and it still appears. Any problem let me know.
P xxx

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My husband passed away at the beginning of December 2022. He didn’t believe of anything after death - unknown to him he was dying before my eyes and he said “I’m not going to die”. 4 hours later he had passed away but I hold his words close and know that he will never “die” because he is always with me in my mind, heart and soul. Lying in bed this morning listening to the birds singing and i heard a dove calling. It sounded just like " I love you, I love you". I looked out of the bedroom window and there under the eaves are a couple of collared doves making their nest. My message from Mark, I’m sure, as we used to enjoy watching the doves nesting in a tree in our garden but now they are close to me x