Hi have recently lost my wife of 24 yrs iam 57 . I have two boys but they have their own lives .My wife was my best friend. I feel so lonely and alone …
Hi @Stevie3 ,
Thank you so much for sharing this with the community I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I just wanted to let you know that you have been heard and you are not alone.
Take good care,
I know how you feel. Everything of importance I did with my wife. Everyone else has their own life to lead and whilst people can be supportive it’s difficult for them to understand and for you not to feel your loss.
If it’s any consolation I feel exactly the same and I’m hoping that in time the feelings will lessen and I’ll be able to go out and socialise again.
@Stevie3 firstly, I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m not sure I have a lot of advice as I lost my amazing husband 8 weeks ago aged 56 so I’m very much trying to navigate my way through. My husband was my best friend we’d been together since we were 15 so I have an idea of how lost you are feeling right now, I feel a piece of me is missing. I’m trying to just take one day at a time. For me the evenings are the worst so I’m trying to find something different to do to fill the dark nights until I can start getting out in the garden, I like to craft, do you have any hobbies? It’s hard to focus sometimes but I’m making myself try things at least. Importantly talk to people, don’t be afraid to talk to your sons and take any support they can give, it will probably help them too. I have five grown up children and sometimes I think they stay strong for me but sometimes we grieve together, have a good cry and then maybe share a funny story about their Dad. You are not alone, please always reach out on here if you ever need to, always happy to chat. It’s very early days so the pain is very raw right now. Take care of yourself and reach out when you need to.