Awkward! A misadventure in M&S....

Hello there,

To escape a downpour today, I nipped into M&S and found myself drifting around the women’s wear. Usually, it is a barren land but today, to my surprise, I found a bunch of things I liked and went into the fitting room to try them on. Pretty much a bullseye with all of it. I suddenly realised the time and had to really rush. I went to the counter with an armful of things and my coat on, undone. The assistant raised her eyebrows at me and I thought it was because I had this big-ish bundle. She started scanning the barcodes when I suddenly thought “it’s a bit chilly in here”. By chance I glanced down and realised that my shirt was undone half-way and I was, shall we say, sharing my credentials… I tried to casually do the buttons up, without anyone noticing any more than they may have done already… I couldn’t get out of there fast enough. I put it down to grief-brain-fog… Anyway, hopefully this made someone smile today. Loads of love, your friend, Vancouver xx


This made me laugh lol. Brain fog is a real issue lol


At least my brain fog issues are not that embarrassing. Was the assistant male or female? They could have subtly mentioned something. Still I bet you will be checking you are fully clothed in future. Brain fog or no. Xx. Sandra


Sorry. My brain fog. You said she in your post.


Bless you so funny . We need a laugh here


100%, @Jol, 100% x


@Vancouver certainly made me smile, thank you. We need all the lighter moments we can get. X


This made me smile.
Last week my brother was doing the buttons up in our dad’s shirt and forgot to do his own and thought he had, realised at the funeral they were all undone under his blazer! Made me smile!


Thanks for that story it really made me laugh. Feels better to have a laugh.
When I mention bereavement brain fog I get strange looks. But it is definitely a real thing.
I feel better when someone else says they have it too.
I made list today all needs doing. All on list were scuppered as too hard. I tried to think what is easiest.
Ended up cutting down my prize sun flower that had blown down even after my failed attempt to stake it still down. Will it stay put in class jar ? If cat behaves it might.


I know exactly what the brain fog is like. Bless you lol

When I have brain fog I feel like I’m in danger sometimes cause I genuinely do not know what i’m doing and can’t concentrate.

It often attacks randomly, usually when I’m out and about and I end up walking around aimlessly not knowing what bloody day it is.

I’ve had a few funny moments though, like the other day I went to put my washing in the bin :upside_down_face:

I also got my boyfriends clothes ready for work the next day a few weeks ago and when he came home that day he told me that instead of socks I had put gloves out and when he woke up he was half asleep trying to put gloves on his feet :rofl: now that did make me howl with laughter.


@Jess1 that is hysterical. I can just envisage him trying to put gloves on his feet.


This did give me a chuckle. A week after my husband died I nipped to Sainsbury’s only to get home and find my trousers were on back to front. :pensive:


So good to read some lighter posts and bring a smile to my face. Thank you :grinning::grinning:


This has made me laugh. Thank you.x


Thk goodness u diden’t hav underwear on u hadent paid for,
Easy done

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