Back to work and new job!!!

So I’m returning to work on Monday after not working since losing my partner 2 months ago.

The week my partner passed away was supposed to be my last week of working with my previous employer and I was very much looking forward to beginning a new job with better opportunities fully supported to do so by my partner.

Obviously the sudden loss of my partner has put a hold on things and my new employers have been absolutely brilliant and have given me plenty of time and space.

But the time has come to start work and I’m full of apprehension!!! New job, new people and lots to learn on top of still trying to come to terms with losing my partner but knowing he would so want me to continue with this opportunity.

Thank you for listening!! Much appreciated x


Good luck. Well dine. Do yourself and your partner proud


Yes so impressive you are stating a new job, it might be just what you need a new start Im sure you will smash it.

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Good luck in your new job, take it easy and remember how proud your partner would be of you taking this new challenge. Xx

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Well done to you.
Hope it all goes well for you in your new job.
I’m sure your partner would be incredibly proud of you.

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You win! We are all so happy for you to be going on such an adventure! New life, new job. It will keep your mind occupied. I hope it is a nice place to spend your working time and that you enjoy your new job.

Much love.

Good luck with the new job.