Back to work tomorrow

Hi everyone, I’m back to work tomorrow after 3 month off since losing my mick, I know I’ve got to make some attempt at normality but I feel really anxious and crying that I’m moving forward without him! He used to pick me up and bring me back home from work so It’llbe a massive change tomorrow getting the bus and knowing he’s not there anymore! It’s horrendous thinking about it :pensive:


Hope it goes well tomorrow. I find being at work helps as it gives me other things to think about, I get more depressed at home. I get the occasional tearful moment at work but my colleagues are quite understanding xx


Sorry for your loss. My husband passed away 3 months ago and I went back to work last month. It really helped me during the day. The first day was tough because people coming up to me giving their condolences, but after that first day it did help. I hope all goes well for you tomorrow.


I went back to work a couple of weeks ago and I was totally dreading coming home. He was always waiting for me with a kiss and a cuppa :heart: I must say it has helped having a reason to get up and dressed for good luck sending you a hug x


Yeah, coming home is tough. I still keep thinking my husband will walk through the door.


First day was ok, few tears knowing he wasn’t waiting for me and then one of his songs came on the radio and set me off!! I don’t like this “new normality” we had our daily routine of getting a McDs coffee at the drive thru before I went to work and that’s all gone now, I don’t drive, he was my “chauffeur” he used to say :laughing: I’m home now, back to hide away from
People until Wednesday when I’m rota’d back in :pensive::pensive:

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Yes, this new normal is like a bad nightmare. I keep wishing I would wake up and things were back to normal with my husband by my side. Glad you made it through the first day back to work. We have to stay strong. Sending hugs


Hi @Ang5
Im still getting around this site so sorry this is a bit late, I hope you’re day back at work went well.
I’ve just been signed off for another month which will be 3 months in total and I’m determined to at least try to go back
Take care :heart:


Thanks everyone, it felt like a massive effort to crack a smile and speak to people, i work in retail and some of the customers were awful and at one point I felt like screaming f&ck off!!! Do you know I’ve been to hell and back and your whinging over trivial bulls&hit but i remained calm!! :laughing: just!! See how tomorrow goes! I’m off today and my body is aching!! Not used to being up and about doing something! :pensive:

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Grief is exhausting. When I get home from work I just want to sleep.

Hi Ang
I really feel for you, I’ve just had 3 months off work after losing my Jon and am now contemplating going back to work, but I’m filled with fear and anxiety too. I hope it goes ok, let us know how you get on

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