Bad day nightmare! 😶

Having such a bad day today.
Feel like every song I listen to I can relate too. Everything I do or say just doesn’t feel right today. Feel completely by myself in my own little bubble not knowing which way to go or how to get out!
I’m feeling angry upset lonely. And I’m taking it out on all the wrong people. Being snappy, but also quiet not hungry just feel like im here with no point!
Everything seems to full on today and I just hope I wake up in a different mood tommorow. Always feel like im blabbling writing on here but it does definitely help just getting how you feel out! :relieved:


Sorry you’re having a bad day @Joey199217 and sorry for your loss and loneliness. Same here and I can relate to feeling there’s no point. Good to have somewhere to get the babblings out though, I agree. Wishing you a better day tomorrow x


It definitely is the blabbling helps for sure!
Hope you have a better day too xx