Bad day

Today was a truly bad day for me I had a memory of things we used to do or a lace we used to go then I found myself crying thinking why did you have to go and leave me. Grief is a thing that stays with you for some time but we don’t get to move on as my sisters death as to go to an inquest all we need is to move forward


So sorry for you Sue. You must miss your sister terribly.
All we do sometimes is go over and over things in our heads and sometimes we make things worse each time we think about them too much.
I think grief stays with you always, it’s just that sometimes it’s easier to live with than other days. It can be something as simple as better weather which can lift your spirits a bit.
I hope you managed to get a decent sleep Sue, and hope you have a slightly better day today.
Waiting for the inquest for your sister must be so hard for you.
I woke up with that empty feeling this morning. It’s been 14 months since I lost my husband of 40 years.
All we can do is carry on…I hope you have some friends or family who you can perhaps see sometimes.
Take care, thinking of you

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@Sue51 so sorry to read of your loss and how it’s impacting you.

The fact the cause of death / circumstances surrounding it is pending an inquest does add to the sense of confusion that you will be feeling. My own loss was my mum who was healthy and happy on her last day and simply didn’t wake up. As post mortem couldn’t determine cause the coroner had started an investigation. Although it won’t change the fact - I would like to know the cause.

Obviously I don’t know your circumstances but for me its really helped trying not to think about it. Without the facts we can overthink stuff and make it harder or worse in our own minds. I know that’s so much easier said than done.


Hi Ryan,
I’ve just been reading your other posts and firstly want to say I’m very sorry about the loss of your mum, and secondly, she would be so very proud of how you are conducting yourself. She’s done a good job with your upbringing for sure.
Janey x


Thank you so much @JaneyS . I must admit grief is relatively new for me on this scale. Whilst I know everyone walks a different path with grief if I can help others through listening or sharing my experience then I want to.

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