Bad day

I have a pillow with his face on , a good friend made it for me , daft as it sounds I say morning & goodnight to it . I talk to him all the time at home, iv found even if I don’t feel like smiling when I walk , I do and people do stop and chat or simply say morning , breathing the fresh air like you say makes you feel great and tiring which knocks me out and I sleep. Iv had a setback as the raw pain of grief has hit me again so I’m taking a week off work and I start bereavement counselling on Tuesday

I have Richard’s last top he wore , in bed and I hold it all night, every night. I am really struggling with everything . I hold my head down if I walk in the village as don’t want others asking how I am, or how shocked they were after I lost him. I can’t cope with it. I felt so overcome with anger at the weekend I could of smashed everything in the house. I look awful because of all the crying and hardly any sleep. Most devastating time of my life

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That’s so lovely. What a good friend.


I go to bed with Paul’s Rab coat…… cuddle it all night
Cry into it……


Oh Alyson I have only just seen this, I am so sorry. No helpful advice, just know that I totally inderstand how bloody awful you feel. X

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Welcome Tansey

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Hi I have these moments of calm then panic at the loss of my soul mate.miss him so much have not been able to see him yet as only 1 week ago.i long to touch him again .