Bad day

I’m having a really bad day today. Please tell me I’m not alone


You’re not alone Alyson. This is a terrible journey and the only way I can get through it is tell myself it should be this hard. It shows how much I loved him and if it was easy it would be wrong. You’re not alone xxx


Thank you. I am finding it so hard. I just miss him so very much. Its a pain like no other x


You’re right it’s awful. It’s 12 weeks tonight since Martin died and it doesn’t feel any easier. Just more permanent. I have moments of calm (which make me feel guilty) and others of just all out despair. Every night I pray I won’t wake up. I have no idea how we keep going but somehow we do. It’s incredibly lonely but I know I’m not alone. I hope we can all find a way. Xx


Stillhiswife, thank you. Its not even 6 weeks yet and it’s getting harder each day. I do feel guilt too, if my friend makes me laugh, and I just want to sleep, and wake to find it’s been the most dreadful dream. I’m just lost


Hi All
14 weeks tonight I lost Paul
Lost lonely numb heartbroken disbelief the lot
I find it hard each day
Friends( and you find out who they are) try to help but absolutely have no idea what ‘we’ inside are going through
Long dark nights ahead I cry myself to sleep (!) every night
Plans shattered
Love to everyone in this utterly devastating existence


Dear @Alyson.r

I am sorry to read in your profile the loss of your husband. Bereavement is so painful with a rollercoaster of emotions, good days and bad days. You are not alone in the way you feel, sadly it is part of the grieving process, and you are in the very early stages of grief.

There is an organisation called The Jolly Dollies . It is a National Community started by widows for widows. There is a search bar on their homepage for you to type in your location to see what groups there are in your area. This may be well worth you looking at.

There is a Grief Guide by Sue Ryder which will help you understand and cope with your bereavement and grief and helps you discover new ways to cope. When you are ready, take a look. Along with the Grief Guide there is information on Supporting Yourself Through Grief that contains information which may be of help to you.

I hope the above is of help to you. You are not alone; we are all here to support you. Please continue to reach out at any time.

Take care.



You are not alone , last weekend I was the same I cried all day. But this weekend iv been for a long walk by myself and I spoke to people walking , iv been out with my daughter today which has helped. Take each day as it comes some will be bad and some will be good , we are grieving for what was and what should have been , but here at least we are in the same boat and understand how you feel , so always reach out because one of us will reply and together we can help each other take care xxx

1 Like

Thank you both for your support
Boy do I need it……


Thank you so much xx


Hi Pepsi
I’ve clicked on the jolly dollies but it doesn’t appear to give any locations …… just Yorkshire or northeast
I would like to know the exact location to meet before i set up a direct debit as it could be up to 50 /60 miles away
Counties are big……
Any advice please
Thank you

Live near northallerton
Any thing near there please

Dear @Bess1

I have had a look and a list of members comes up for Yorkshire. You can send them a message on the contacts to see if they can give you more details for Yorkshire.

Take care.


You are welcome.

Take care.


Yes will send a message
Thank you

Hi Alysonr, you are definitely not alone in feeling like you do.
I’ve had 2 bad days on the trot this weekend as I miss my husband so much after he passed unexpectedly 5 months ago. It still feels unreal.
Just take things an hour at a time if that’s what it takes and reach out on here. Sending caring thoughts x


Thank you. X

I’m having bad days. I cried all day yesterday. The only place I feel capable of going iOS the park behind my house with the dog. I’m frightened to go anywhere else. If I make plans I spend the time panicking and thinking of excuses to cancel. I then feel bad for letting people down. I am scared to talk about as people will think I am weak and silly. Nothing has joy at present I just feel anxious and cared most of the time x


Morning Nel
Don’t worry we all feel the same
I’m becoming a hermit
Feel safe at home don’t have to pretend or see folk yes couples!
Have 2 lots of clothes wear at home ( wardrobe full!)
Even going to local shop for milk is an early morning / late thing so I don’t see folk
Anyone who hasn’t lost their loved one has no bloody idea what’s it’s like
Chin up
We’ll all listen here
Take care


I agree with Micksgirl. I used to hike all over with my husband (lost him 2nd June this year) and I have very few friends and family and none nearby. So I walk when I get lonely and think of him and it makes me tired enough to sleep and you always see people and end up chatting, it doesn’t matter what about, it just matters that you make contact in the early days. A partner is the most difficult thing to lose, They are the one who helps you through the difficult times and you have to go through this without them, but I still talk to mine and think of him often and I just try to do what I think he would want me to be doing. You are not alone and I would be pleased to hear from you anytime. xxx