Bad day

Having a real bad day today was 46 years ago I first met my husband on this date and our 1st official date was on the 27th March ,I was19 ,
I have been in floods of tears ,I have visited his grave ,
Took him a drop of his favorite drink and played his favorite music,
I am really struggling,it’s only been 5 Months
Does it get better ,feels like an emotional rollercoaster
Thank you for reading this take care everyone


Oh Susie, You are in a very similar stage of grief as me. I lost my lovely husband in Oct 22 after 43 years of marriage. It is so very hard isn’t it?
Our wedding anniversary was 10th March and we would have been married 44 years and together 46 years. I spent the day alone and crying
. I can’t bring myself to go to his grave , not at the moment as it makes me so unhappy. I think it’s the realisation that he has gone.
I know whatever I say can’t make you feel any better but please know I am thinking of you as others will be.
Sending hugs and love xx


I am so sorry for your loss deepest Sympathy it’s so difficult, losing a partner
We would have been married 43 years this September,so we made it too our 42nd Anniversary
I don’t know how I have survived 5 Months without him,
I find comfort in visiting his grave as I talk to him,
Life can be so cruel
I’m so grateful there is people who understands on this group
Big hugs take care
Sue xx


I am so sorry today is not a good day for you @Susie3021 So many memories of your first date together and the start of your 46 years together. that is so precious and amazing. Like you and @Alir I was married to my husband for almost 46 years, he died in January 2 weeks before our 46th Wedding Anniversary. A lifetime of memories and being together. I hope the love that you both shared for all that time too brings you so comfort today, I miss my husband dreadfully but I also feel so lucky to have experienced the love we had. This gives me the strength to get up in the morning and face each day and I’m trying to make him proud. I know he will be willing me on. Sending you and @Alir much love and hugs on our journey together


@Susie3021 - I am so sorry you are having a bad day - these come around all too often, especially in the early stages of grief. 5 months is no time, but may already feel like a lifetime. I am 14 months in now, and most of the time, I am ok but there will be those moments when Boom! I am floored by an insensitive remark, or a memory or an impression of Tom that is so clear, so bright it is as though he is there. But he is not. You asked if it gets better. I think it gets easier to bear, slowly, gradually but surely - at least for me. Tom, my late husband, was a very practical man - very pragmatic. It is for this reason that I have, for want of a better word, permission to start looking forward, to living again, to look to the future - as he would have done - and would want me to. Not that this is easy to do. We all do this our own way and it sounds to me as though you are doing really well - even though it may not feel like that right now. You made it to five months - that is like running a marathon every morning and afternoon. So, if you can, take a moment to look in the mirror, to look yourself in the eye and say “well done”. May sound weird but I do this sometimes. Particularly today when I had a ski lesson in driving wind and snow, and it was icy! Argh! But I kept going and got down a run that was the steepest I had ever done. Only out of control once! So, my friend, you and me, and everyone here, we have got this and we can do this. Hold tight, everyone, stay close on here. We will be ok xx