Bad day

Really bad day today. I thought i was doing so well then BAMM hits me. Someone has got their hand around my heart and they are squeezing it. I feel sick, my head hurts i cant sleep for more than an hour, i am so tired…i can’t do this, i can’t live without him. I can’t see my future and i dont know what to do. I wish i had gone first, God i wish i had gone first, i don’t think i can take this.


@nicky1961 I really feel for you. I am the same today, just cant stop the tears. I too just want to be with my darling husband but I know I would be hurting people dear to me if I was and I wouldnt want to put them through what I am going through right now. Not much sleep last night and feel like Ive been through a wringer. So tired and down. Hope your day gets better. sending hugs. Ann

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Hi @nicky1961 @AnnieG1
Must be one of these bad days for us.
Wish i could take the pain away for us but that seems impossible. I can only write that i hope it gets better for us we need to speak to each other comfort each other so we can put feelings down. It would help if there were support groups in our areas for each of us to meet for a chat.
Maybe something to set up.somerhing in our areas i might look to see if support groups can be done. We are all missing our partners and sometimes family and friends dont understand. I know the Jolly Dollies have groups in towns maybe joining one will give us some support x

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Bad day today too :sleepy: its 3 months feels like longer existing not living not happy just sad hope things get better for all of us x

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Hi @Cadge
Yes time goes slow but fast 5 months for me. Sometimes it feels like a dream i have only heard once from his brother now it is as if he didn’t exist but he did and always will. I find i am missing his voice advice touch but it feels like do long ago now.
What to do to take my mind off things but always comes back to being on my own.
Take care and hope tomorrow is a better day x


@Galaxy75 thank you . I belong to Jolly Dollies and have messaged a couple of members in my area but not had any replies as to meeting up for chats. I really wish there was a group chat face to face as I think it would help. But this site is the next best thing as it’s really helped me to know I’m not alone in my thoughts. Take. Care .Ann x

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Its just awful isnt it especially how people are they just dont get it no one does unless they have gone through this themselves. I really hope it gets better i just cant wait till Christmas is over its giving me anxiety thinking about it i just want to avoid it i know its going to be tough for all of us on this journey of loss of our amazing husbands/wifes xx

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