Bad day

I don’t mind at all.

This was only about the second time I’ve made a real effort to go into the garden.

It is so difficult isn’t it. Gardening was a big part of our home life.

It was such a great place during the lockdowns.

I hope we can both get to a point where we can have happy and grateful reactions to our gardening memories.

Take care. Thank you for replying x

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I’m so glad you had a better day.

He sounds like a really good doctor and that was really good news that the results were fine.

The cat is ok today. He has not been confused today.

About a week ago I cleared a space on the living room window sill and he now sleeps there in the sun, when there is any. He is now lying next to me on the sofa. He’s such a comfort. Thank you for thinking of him.

The forecast is for better weather tomorrow so I hope that helps.

Thank you so much for keeping in touch.

Sending you big hugs as well x

Totally understand xx

Hi RoseGarden ,my sister lost her husband only recently and she actually said all these things to me yesterday . They loved the garden and she actually took down something that he had put up the year before for hanging baskets . He had spent sometime doing it but in five minutes she had taken it down. A small thing but it brought back a flood of emotions … Hes not here this year to enjoy the garden ,fix things in the garden and be with her. She continues in the garden this year as a place of sanctuary and to try her best. She told me she feels closest to him there . I hope in some small way this helps you and to know that others feel your pain. I sincerely hope you have support as well and that your garden too will help you in the days ahead .

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Hi I hope you don’t mind me joining in the conversatios about gardening. I have been doing things in the garden today, it was hard but I managed to get a few things done. Before i came indoors I stood and looked down the garden and said to my husband (in my head) this was your pride and joy and now you’re not here to enjoy it. It’s so sad but we all seem to be trying hard to carry on, which I’m sure our partners would be proud of.x

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Thank you so much.

It is just so unfair and sad that he will no longer be able to enjoy the garden…

I remember sitting there in the sun with him last year and I won’t be able to do
that again.

I am hoping that very soon it will feel like a sanctuary for me. A place where I can garden and sit and remember him with immense love and very, very fond memories.

Not with sorrow and regret.

Feeling people care and understand is a definite help.

Thank you for taking the time to reply.

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Thank you. I am trying so hard to not let him down xx

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