Bank holidays

Thank you for your understanding words, they’re very comforting, everyone around me say I’m doing really well?! I don’t know how I’m supposed to be really.

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@Sandan75 yes it seems to me that you are doing well. My brother who lost his wife 7 yrs ago has been a tower of strength for me,he has dragged his big sister me around with him for the past year.
Stay strong Angela


Today has just been a crap day . Missing my wife , the days men very little now .



I have found all bank holidays are crap but Christmastime and new year are the worse. I’m already dreading Christmas.


@Northumbrian54 I’m sorry. I think many members have had a crap day, me included. Some members have said it’s because it’s a bank holiday but most days are crap when you are on this emotional rollercoaster. Thinking of you and hope tomorrow is a better one for you. x

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@Carol9 Like you I am absolutely dreading Christmas as it will be the first one without my husband. Then there is New Year. Everyone celebrating the year ahead and we will be dreading it without our loved ones :cry: January is my birthday, February would have been my husband’s birthday and also Valentine’s day (yes, he still bought me red roses), March would have been our wedding anniversary and April will be a year since he left me heart broken. :cry:


This will be my 2nd Christmas without my husband the lead up was worse then Christmas itself,still not looking forward to it.Angela


I do feel for you with all the anniversaries coming up. I know I will never enjoy Christmas ever again, I find the worse anniversary is the one of my husband’s death. For birthdays I get out some of the old cards he sent me. He was so good with words and I sit and read them and it brings me some comfort even though it reduces me to tears. I’m afraid that we have no choice but to get through theses awful days and I wish I had more words of comfort. Big hugs to you.


Same here, and knowing 2023 will be the first year that he hasn’t lived in, everything is so sad, so final, that’s the hardest thing to get used to. Tears again now, it’s unbearable.
I hope you’re coping ok with everything x


@Carol9 Thank you for your words of comfort, they really do help knowing that I and others are not alone. I cling on to the reassurances from other members when they say the 1st anniversaries are always the hardest. I know when the 1st anniversaries come round I will be looking back at the last ones we spent together and wishing that we still be together to enjoy them. Big hugs to you. xx

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Think I will take myself off at xmas away from everything