Being social again

Peter Crawford he does pubs and private.
He knew things he couldn’t have found out if he tried x

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Thank you so much :heart:

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Just do what you can cope with and people will understand that sometimes you have days where you just cannot face that which is perfectly ok

Today’s been a harder day as it’s exactly one month since I lost my beautiful wife and only Monday since her funeral!


Sorry for your loss it’s been 5 weeks since I lost my soul mate from brain cancer he was 55. I’m trying to just do a day at a time x

It’s 13 weeks now, and I do go out to meet friends for coffee or lunch, usually just one-to-one, as I can’t cope with more than that. My friends were wonderful in coming to see me when my partner first died, but I need now to reciprocate by going out to meet them if they ask me; I have no family at all, so even though it’s really difficult to sit in a social space like a cafe, I feel I have to make the effort.


It definitely helps to meet people but it always hangs around me that I am without my bestie . We were tied like glue . I do go out but it’s still a nightmare inside of me


I continued to go with family and a few friends straight away. I didnt want to but forced myself too. I dont want to go and i dont want ti stay in. I cry before i go anywhere because i know i am only going because my husband isnt here and then cry again when im back home alone. It doesnt mean that im not totally distraught because i am, i just cant bear each day and night on my own either as i am struggling so much. I do find when i am out then i get a bit of rest bite from crying.


A group of friends drag me out for a drink with them .its done me good to get out and about as my daughter and stepson dave family were getting worried about me staying in

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It’s whatever the individual feels comfortable with I think, I’m 8 months in and I’m not going out still. Have my close friends round for drinks regularly.
I’m more comfortable in the house, but I’m 44 I can’t stay hidden away for ever but struggling to get out :pensive: