Bereavement counsellors

Has anyone else had any experience with them? I saw one for about a year or so after my partner died - on a personal level she was absolutely delightful (she was the first and only person that I allowed myself to cry in front of) but I have to be honest, as lovely as she was, I can’t truthfully say that it helped, or helped much. Hopefully other people have had more positive experiences.

I’m on a 4-month waiting list :roll_eyes:

My lovely husband died 18 weeks ago. I attended a 1-1 grief counselling session which I did not like. I think it was too early and he kept referring back to his own losses. I also had a grief counselling phone session but repeating my tragic story didn’t help either, it was a once off and I don’t want to keep reliving what happened to Mark. I am now trying grief group therapy. I have had 2 sessions and I find it much more beneficial. Similar to this online group, you realise you aren’t alone and it’s not just yourself that has a sad story. I’m hoping this will continue to help.

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I’m 30 weeks into the devastating loss of my husband. I began having counselling around the 11 week mark and it has helped me tremendously. Initially I went every week, all the thoughts that built up, the whys, ifs, etc, I talked them through. Although I also talked a lot to my friends and family, he put things in perspective and I always come out of there feeling de-fuzzed and able to think more clearly. I moved to every 2 weeks and now I’m seeing him once a month. Tbh, I’m due to see him next week which will be a month since the last time and I’m ready for it. It’s been invaluable to me and I’ve never had counselling before. He’s helped me understand that I’m living but bouncing between the life I had with the love of my life and also, the heartbreak I’m feeling is because of the deep love we had together. I’m starting to understand that as I move forward and carry on living, my loving husband is with me every step of the way. He’s in my heart and I can feel that, it’s like a calming sense that he’s with me. I’d highly recommend counselling, but I understand it’s not for everyone. :heart:


It’s invaluable to have someone to vent to, particularly if you don’t have a lot of other people to talk to. But what actually helped me the most back when I lost my mother was going to a therapist specialising in trauma counselling.