Bereavement group

I went on Monday for the first time to a bereavement group especially for bereaved parents. It was strangely refreshing to speak to other people that ‘get me’, to recognise their pain as the same as mine, to talk about our experiences and especially share our wonderful photos on our phones. I think the group is rare, and unique in its way, and hope that maybe one day in the future I may consider starting a similar group. I miss my girl so so much, and let out a little of my anger at God today, asking why He took her. I don’t want to lose my faith, and hope I never do, but it is bring severely tried.
Below is a scrapbook/photo album I am starting for Sarah, from babyhood to adult. Only got as far as putting the words on the front before the tears came. Tomorrow is another day, maybe I will feel strong enough to sort the photos out. I love looking at them, but at the same time it bloody hurts.


That’s a lovely thing to do for your daughter.

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The album looks lovely. I wondered where the bereavement group was held and who organised it? There don’t seem to be enough of these groups around.


Hi. The group is held in Billericay Essex, the lady who started it lost her son. There aren’t enough groups that are especially for bereaved parents, so I am going to help with funding it to keep it going. Kind of wish it were more often than monthly though.

Agree there aren’t enough groups, we did have one in my city but they’re always in the mornings and I am at work.

There is a funeral directors in our town who have set up a group in partnership with one of the local community centres. It isn’t just specifically for bereaved parents though it is for anyone affected by bereavement. I haven’t been as the pictures i have seen appear to be all elderly people. ( I know some people think I’m old at 65, but the majority appear to be in their 80’s)