I totally understand your grief, i never thought i would be a widow at 50 years old, having no children sadly,and my parents have both passed away and my brother’s live overseas, lonliness is unbearable and when looking forward,i just see nothing, my soul mate died and when he passed half my soul went with him, but, ive got myself back to work,but allow myself to cry. I have found writting my feelings down in a journal helps me, atvleadt they are out there and if i cant tell my friends how i feel, they can read it.
I waje in the morning, i say hello to my belived husband and make him a promise i will get out of bed and do something.He is with me everyday in my heart, soul and mind, this is the only way i can face my day
Maisie 7
Stay on this site. It’s helping me and giving me a little comfort. It is so hard. This morning I could have cheerfully ended it all I’m that devastated. I’m usually the strongest person that everyone goes to . This has crumbled me. X
I know we all hurt in different ways but lets stick together we’ll all get through the low’s and have better times ahead.
To silver fox
Yes let’s stick together.xx
Please dont think endingbit is better than livibg, you knowvits notvwhat your loved onecwouldcwant. Just give a hello to them in the morning and make them a promise you will do something that day.
Have you thought of soeaking with a councellor or support groups in bearevement? Talking is good, i know its painful and very emotional, but it can help.
Hi pinkypig, I lost my wife 4 weeks ago. It is hard, and that feeling of being lost is still with me.
It feels very hard to move on, and I have gone through so many different emotions in those 4 weeks, and have cried every single day for 7 weeks, since she went on the ventilator. I keep thinking that there can’t be any more tears, but there are.
This is a very caring group, so keep messaging, because it does help to share.
Sending love.
You are right there’s plenty of thought’s on this site to help us through difficult times.
Let tears flow don’t try to stop them it helps with your emotions.
Hi ja9
So sad that you feel entirely on your own. It must be so hard for you with no support.
You can always resch out to me if you want to, and others on this site.
Like you, I struggle to get out of bed currently to go to work, but I know that my wife would have hated the thought of me giving up. She went through a lot of hardship and grief in her life, but found the strength and courage to push on with her life. She told me everyday is precious, and that is why I am desperately trying to move on, even though I know it is still very early days.
Hi, today im going to a jewelers to look at having my husbands wedding ring remodelled into a eternity ring, we had matching wedfing rings with diamonds in them, this way he is with me always,i hate the thought of just putting his ring into a box and a draw,it feels like its jot wanted or discarded , the ring is a symbol ofbour love for one another and i want that ring to be united with mine. Ithis may sound daft to some but, hes with me always something i can wear that he wore.
I dont know how i will feel taking my rings off at the jewlers, ive never removed them from my finger since he died, i just couldnt.
Bearevement is so hard at times, it makes you feel guilty if you havent thought of you loved one that day and then the next day your in tears remembering.
Today is also the anniversary of my mothers death, its 5 years since she passed. The human heart can certainly take a bashing xx
Hi Ja9,
After my wife died, I put her wedding ring on a chain and wore it round my neck, as I wanted to keep it close to me. I knew she never wanted to be without it when she was alive.
After some thought, I put the ring back on her finger, where it will be for her funeral next week. I wanted her to wear it as a symbol of the love we had for each other, and how proud I was to have her as my wife.
Whatever decisions you make, don’t make them in too much haste.
That’s a good idea with the ring having it on you all the time. He will be around you all the time have you not had signs that seem strange like feathers in strange places, i’ve had a small feather appear between the antlers of a stag on my mantlepiece that wasn’t there the night before. It’s not daft to think like that.
Take care
2 days after mike dued i felt a oresdure on my hand, that was resting on his pillow.
At his funeral i did a tribute to mike, sounds weird the widow standibg up and doingva speech but, mike had asked would i m, which turned into a bet m, thus was what we were like. Always having a joke, well i did do it and the day before i practiced my speech and just couldn’t get padt furst line without crying, on the day i hit to the first line ,then something told me to look at the coffn,i felt a big hug surround me and managed to read my loving tribute to my wonderful husband mike.
That a so lovely and brave of you. Hope you take great comfort from receiving contact from your husband too …I long to have some kind of contact from my dear husband…have found a small white feather and always connect seeing a robin to him. Huge hugs xx
What a gift he gave you, i would love to have gotten one of them.
The feather i got, a small one appeared between the antlers of a stag (we) have on the mantlepiece. Their with us always till we meet again.
Take care
I’ve started to see little signs. Small feathers in odd little places. Is it just my imagination and longing?x
Not your imagination these are definitely for you you’ll find more. Take care.
To silver fox
I hope so. These past couple of days I seem to have gone backwards. I’m struggling to start moving again. But I’m starting to feel an anger against myself as I was always the strongest looking out for us both. X
To Tenpin,
I am yet to bury my beautiful wife. That is happening next Thursday. I know it will be a bad week for me. Two months ago, next Friday, Valentines Day, was the last night she slept in the bed next to me, the 15th is the day I got her back into hospital, the 20th was the day she took a turn for the worst, the 21st was the day she ended up on a ventilator, and the 22nd December was her 62nd Birthday.
I know that I will struggle through that period and I know it will be devastating to me.
I too have had a feather in the middle of my car windscreen, a canvas print photo of her fell off the wall, and a particular message dropped into my Facebook feed 3 times in quick succession after I had been talking about how badly I was missing her. I take them all as good signs. I talk to her a lot on a daily basis. I say goodbye when I leave for work, and always say hi to her when I get home. It is my only way through it at the moment.
Tenpin. It’s been four months for me I’m mostly by myself,my sister died four days before my wife she collapsed by my wife’s bed in hospital from a brain bleed didn’t know she’d been getting headaches but my other sisters did. Its been hard coming to terms with my wife only having a week they said and then this happening.
You will have these relapses that’s understadable. I’m sure you have it within yourself to get there, if you were the strong one you can get there.
Take care of yourselve
To you both. Thank you. I’m ABIT emotional at moment. I’ll be back online later. Thank you again. Xx