
I’ve lost my husband 4 days ago I feel so lost


@Pinkypig I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m not sure I can give too much advice as I only lost my wonderful husband 5 weeks ago. I would say I’ve just taken a day at a time, I’ve cried when I needed to and then picked myself up again as best I can. Do you have family and friends to support you? Sending love and hugs to you x

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I am so sorry for you loss, it is six months since I lost my husband. Allow yourself to grieve, cry when you need to. I feel all sorts of emotions hurt, upset and angry, don’t feel you have to be brave. I have never felt such pain, we had been married 52 years and only had 7 weeks from diagnosis. I have found this site to be very helpful so keep posting, don’t be afraid to say how you feel x


Im sorry for your loss, its been 10 weeks today since I lost my beloved husband, i struggle every day without him and the tears haven’t stopped since I lost him, i only had 4 weeks with him from his diagnosis,
I miss him everyday and just want to let you know that your not alone


I’m so sorry for your loss just a short time ago. I buried my husband Thursday. I’m struggling I know I must carry on. The advice and thoughts of people on this chat have been a blessing for me. I hope they can help you as well love. Xx


I know the heartache you feel.i lost my wife two months ago after a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer that had spread to her liver.
She was my soul mate and rock.
You will get strength through time,talking to them i find helps as they are always with
you and you will signs that you will think thats strange.
Take care. :heart:

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Today has been a bad day for me. I buried my love on Thursday. Feels a life time ago. Coming home to an empty house nearly killed me. I’m usually such a strong person but today I contemplating taking my own life. I’m so scared of everything.x

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Although your feeling the way you are please don’t have these thoughts.
The hurt will ease day by day and you will see a way ahead, it won’t go away quick enough for you but it will eventually. I lost the love of my life four months ago very quickly and it hit me like a rock,she was my soul mate. We’d been together for twenty-five years and they were the best day of my life.
Take care and keep the chin up. :heart:

Thank you silver fox. Perhaps it was a moment of madness and desperation. It’s also the fear of the unknown. X


I lost the love of my life 6 months ago, we had been married for 52 years. I know how you feel, I have found posting on here a great help. You are not alone we all understand.

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Thank you. At the moment I’m just struggling. Your mind can’t seem to focus on one thing. Feel I’m going daft.


Tenpin just wanted to let you know that I also felt like taking my own life after my husband’s funeral on 20th December, i went to my doctor’s and told him everything how i was feeling and he gave me antidepressants, the thoughts are there but not everyday, im still struggling without him and my heart is broken and I miss him everyday.
Just wanted to let you know that you can get help if you nees need it.
I understand how you feel.

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Thank you. X

Tenpin you are in shock, I tried to put on a brave face to the outside world and it came back to bite me. Allow yourself to grieve, rage at the world, cry do whatever you need to but don’t give up.

Thank you. All of you are so right with your advice. But we all know how hard it is at first. As far as my partner was concerned the world started and ended with me. We waited a full 6 months after his diagnosis for treatment. By then too late. They gave him 6 months for me he lasted 18. He was so strong and only wanted me looking after him . I did it all gladly. I feel robbed and cheated and so guilty for wanting him back even though he was in pain. The emptiness is overwhelming me. And now I feel I’m repeating myself and being selfish moaning about me. I’m sorry people. Xx

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Tenpin don’t be sorry for saying how you feel, we only had 7 weeks after my husband was diagnosed with Bile Duct Cancer. I looked after him at home after his surgery to put a stent in, it was his wish to die at home which he did very peacefully.

@Tenpin I’m so sorry x. I lost my wonderful husband 5 weeks ago at aged 56 and the sadness is overwhelming isn’t it, I’m trying to just take a day at a time, that’s all we can really do. Do you have family and friends, take any support you can at this time. Please look after yourself and remember you aren’t alone, reach out on this forum whenever you need to, sending love x

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Please stay strong, talk to us, grief is hard but please talk to someone, i lost my soul mate 10 weeks ago from cancer its hard every day but my memories of him kerp me focused and i treasure them.

To AlliH/Ja9
Thank you both. I do have family but they have never lost a partner. I was told there’s 3 different types of grieving losing a parent/ close family member losing a child and losing a partner. All are horrible. I think a partner is always half of you. X


Hi so sorry for your loss. I feel your pain as
my dear husband died suddenly and unexpectedly. He’d had a major operation two months before his death and had been given the all clear the day before he died. That evening he took a turn for the worse and died the next day from a cardiac arrest. We had been married for 48 very happy years. The pain I feel is unbearable, I’m sure part of me died that awful day when he passed. I have cried so much, felt anger, depression and anxiety. This is the most painful time of my life and I really don’t know how people get through the loss of a devoted partner. I tried to take one day at a time but find myself looking towards my future, there seems no future …I have lost my world :broken_heart:

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