
My husband died on 2nd September of a little kniwn illness which i dont really need to document here, except to

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Hello Barbara, sorry to hear about your husband, you will feel absolutely devastated. Take it slowly and take extra care of yourself, you will get through this. It’s hard, those first few weeks and months and everyone on here knows what you are going through at present. Sending blessings S xx

I am going to say “good morning” because I feel you do need help and I think the first place would be to phone the Samaritans 116123 they are there for you and let you talk which I assume you need more than anything else.
There are others on the nhs web site but the Samaritans are the best. After that,

Sue Ryder

Barbara, we are always here for you but I seriously think you need ‘proper’ support from specialised trained people and I ask you to reach out because you are a special person and your little dog needs you. Sending lots of