
While I was away on holiday at the beginning of December I found out a dear friend of mine died. She was only 35. She has a husband and 2 young daughters. I have lost other people over the years my brother who was 55 back in April 2016. I am finding the passing my wonderful friend of 16 years very hard to deal with.

Dear AllyJ,

My sincere condolences on the loss of your friend at such a young age. It is a real shock on so many levels and the after effects on those left behind as well as the sorrow it causes is deep and painful.
This will take time to process as you know from your brother’s untimely passing.
Do keep reaching out for support on here. Perhaps you have other mutual friends with whom you can remember your friend, or together perhaps you can offer her husband and children some comfort.

My thoughts are with you,

Dear Michelle 24
Thanks for your support and advice. You’re right it was a shock on many levels. Yes I know that thank you I will. I don’t have any mutual friends for support. I have offered comfort and support but understandably he is very distressed he knows I am here to support him and the girls.
Thank you for your thoughts

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