
I fell out with my sister 15 years ago with our parents passed away ,also turned my nieces against me .i had to learn how to deal with the situation and block it all out as it would of totally destroyed me if I didn’t. But I had a call from a relative that my sister passed away of meningitis the other week.i thought I could block it out but it has hit me harder that I thought it would .i have just just been put on the sick for couple of weeks as I am not coping very well

Hi Kimmiegirl, I’m so sorry to read of your distress. You have come to the right place for support, this is a really caring community. Many people have encouraged me to write about my grief and distress so I hope you will be able to too. Believe me it does help, keep posting and let us all help you. Baby steps for now, be gentle with yourself.

Dear Kimmiegirl

Welcome to this forum on behalf of Sue Ryder. I am so sorry you are feeling the loss of your sister so badly. I have read Daisyrose’s post to you and she is right, go easy on yourself. You have a lot of family history there which wasn’t sorted at the time, and we all know the longer things are left the harder it is to face them.
We are here for you, so many people on here may have had similar experiences which I hope will help. Keep reaching out and know our thoughts are with you.


Hi daisy rose
Thank u for ur kind words of support it means a lot.
I know it will take while ,as I said I have taken some time away from work ,as that was getting to me a bit

Hi miche24
Thank u for support ,I will try to go easy on myself but it will be hard at first I know .i am not on my own my boyfriend is very supportive and takes very good care of me.