
I lost my mum and best friend in September, I am struggling to cope everyday, mum use to ring me constantly throughout the day


Hi Levari
So sorry to hear this. I also lost my mum in December, she was doing fine and I found her at home when there was no answer to the phone.
We only get one mum, I have had a tough week and try to stay strong for my son but had melt down yesterday. We just have to hang on to the memories that we had with them. Life is not going to be the same without them.
Sending hugs

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Hi Levari,

I’m sorry for your loss.

I lost my dad in November 2022. We were very close, I saw him and spoke to him several times a day. Losing dad has left a huge void in my life and I miss him desperately.

I have found this site very useful. There are lots of lovely people on here who understand what it feels like to lose a loved one.

I am here if you would like to chat.

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Hi Levari,
I lost my mum on Dec 30th and I know the pain you are experiencing.I used to phone my mum a few times a day and chat to her about everything.I miss the phone ringing so much now.
Do you have anyone to help and support you as you are going through this?
It’s a horrible exhausting time trying to navigate through each day or in my case just about surviving each day. The grief is so raw. It’s too soon for me to know how to even cope without her as at the moment it seems so unreal. You must feel the same.
Keep posting on here as you are among people who really understand and will respond to your posts and help you
Thinking of you

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