
Hi im new to the group, i lost my Husband August last year, finding life hard at the moment


@J.A.R . You’ve come to the right place here, regardless of time, we are all finding it hard. am 6 months in myself and crying is my daily ritual. but moral support helps no end. dont be afraid to post whats on your heart, you’ll only find friends to listen.
Sending hugs :hugs:


Hi J A R

Welcome, I am fairly new here too but found that we are all in the same boat albeit different stages. I am 18months since my husband died and it still feels like yesterday. I haven’t moved a thing belonging to him and everyday I yearn for him. I’m sure we all feel that way. Hope you’re doing ok and getting through the day. In a strange way it’s good to read some of the lovely stories and messages. Take care :two_hearts::two_hearts:


It’s that time of day for me. I often read the posts on here in the evening, it makes me feel less alone. I can feel others going through the same and I know we travel together, even though we don’t know one another. I am grateful to you all for being here at this monumental time in our lives.


Hi J.a.r
I’ve just joined today so I’m new too.
Grieving is one of the hardest things. I feel lonely and sad nearly every day.
Love and hugs

My mum died in July 2020
She collapsed and went to hospital
We couldn’t visit due to Covid after 2 weeks we were told she had brain cancer
Within a week of coming home she died
It was so sudden and I feel lost without her
She lived here with me for 10 years

Early evenings are the worst for me when John and I would sit and have a drink and decide what to watch on TV. Its only been 5 weeks since he died. I hurt so much.